- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
We have a son, why would I ask her a question that heavily infers her infant son is a dangerous monster?
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Literally the premise of the question, random man or random bear, who do you feel safer, the opposite of in danger, with?
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
“Sweetie pumpkin, do you think most men would murder/rape/eat you in a cannibalistic sense if they could?”
This question is making the rounds because it’s an overtly ridiculous question to ask. I didn’t ask her to do the cinnamon challenge either.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Its literally a hypothetical question being posed.
A hypothetical, by its nature, has no victims.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
“Men as a rule are such scum, I’d rather spend the night with a wild animal that routinely kills and eats people given the chance!” -These Women
“Why cant I find a good man?!” -Also these women
As a happily married man, I would want nothing to do with a woman that has such overt hatred towards my gender. If my wife started playing the “as a rule, men are subhuman scum” game, I would eventually divorce her.
This is good from an ecological perspective though, women hating men means less humans, which means a happier planet.
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
- Comment on neptune 10 months ago:
It’s just become steeped in tradition, and sorry to be a stereotypical edgelord and quote Rick Sanchez but scientifically, traditions are an idiot thing.
- Comment on neptune 10 months ago:
it’s got diamond rain, man.
Keep that shit down, or we’ll invade Neptune.
- Comment on neptune 10 months ago:
Woah there cowboy,
We’re still closer to rival monkey tribes hurling our shit at one another as we shit it out than we are some benevolent, knowledge valuing civilization.
Don’t worry a few more pointless world wars and population decimations, and our species might actually develop admirable priorities beyond tribal resource hoarding from the ashes.
- Comment on neptune 10 months ago:
I mean, does Neptune have oil???
We might need a little more to finish destroying our sole, communal habitat. Anything worth doing is worth doing well!
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Capitalists don’t care about making quality products/services.
They care about squeezing more profit out of you as time goes on.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
- Comment on Can an online library of classic video games ever be legal? 10 months ago:
Probably, in the same way Steamboat Mickey is.
Just part of the whole valuing property, in this case intellectual, over actual labor and people that our species loves so fucking much.
Imagine if IP from drugs to technology to fiction had a 5-10 year max window before other people could work with and expand on it. It would be a better world for most.
Oh you only get to make income on that thing you came up with for several years before you need to contribute in other ways to keep making money, boo fucking hoo.
- Comment on Do We Really Want a Food Cartel? 10 months ago:
No innovation or competition comes from letting giant companies devour their rivals.
Exactly! It only helps people with two much already hobble competition at those levels.
Civilization has been propagandized to forget that economies don’t exist to maximize capital extraction for investors, an economy is supposed to be a lowly tool of a society used to maximize the efficient and equitable distribution of goods and services for the benefit of saod society.
The tail is wagging the dog, and world governments loudly declare that they will use all the power at their disposal to protect the well being of their beloved
societieseconomies.Just dwell on how perverse that ideology is.
- Comment on Do We Really Want a Food Cartel? 10 months ago:
There’s no good argument in allowing mergers of companies that are already large enough to be publicly traded at all.
- Comment on Rich Americans are getting second passports, citing risk of instability 10 months ago:
They’ve been building luxury bunker complexes in the most temperate, stable places like New Zealand for over a decade so they can cut and run when their con game runs out of legs and they can’t find any more suckers to make ego score line go up wheee on a decimated Earth.
The owner class has known exactly what they’re doing for a long time, they just don’t care about anyone who isn’t them, and they’d rather see how high of an ego score they can get than to do what’s significantly harder: care about anyone else.
- Comment on Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers 10 months ago:
No clear answers because we aren’t willing to ask the correct question: How do we replace the global economy that incentivizes avarice, private hoarding, gluttony, destructive and reckless growth/metastasis, and sociopathy with one that rewards pro-social vocations, sustainability, homeostasis with our world, inclusion, and equity?
- Comment on Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers 10 months ago:
Celebrated Greed and permitted rule by private shareholder PARASITES that do nothing yet demand and get almost everything humanity produces are destroying civilization, humanity, and oh yeah the habitability of our only communal environment that will take millions of years to correct once the problem, us, are no longer around to keep making it worse eyes wide open.
Economies are supposed to exist as lowly tools to efficiently and equitably distribute goods and services for the benefit of the society said economy serves. publicly traded companies don’t even care about their customers/products/services anymore, just whatever accounting fuckery and self-cannibalism(layoffs, monopolistic price gouging for inferior products having murdered the competition, tax cheats, etc) will goose the next quarter for the activist shareholders telling them to burn everything for a short term stock bump fire sale, with no sustainable business model that actually benefits society. HBODiscoveryTimeWarnerblahblah comes to mind, but it’s happening in every economic sector, including the ones with life and death consequences.
Instead most developed nation states will sacrifice anything to protect their beloved
societyeconomy.We’re doomed because even most of the people that suffer from this aren’t even willing to admit it out of the sunk cost fallacy. The owners know what they’re doing, they just don’t care about the societies they came from or any future after them, and they’re the ones in charge.
If we cared about the well being of our species at fucking all, we would have to acknowledge as a species that capitalism and the concept of infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world is over and we need to pursue a multigenerational goal of shrinking humanity’s footprint to a level our only fish bowl can support, and to instead seek HOMEOSTASIS with the world we conquered, saturated, poisoned, and are still actively beating the shit out of to grow the ego scores of a few thousand sociopath families.
Honestly I’m surprised suicides are still as low as they are, they’re going to get worse, because most people, and especially the people in the owner class either refuse to or delude themselves into not even acknowledging the obvious root cause, which would be step 0 to there being any hope at all.
Society shouldn’t even tolerate insatiable avarice. We not only celebrate it, we deify it. We make our most successfully, destructively greedy people celebrities, and write articles about how we should emulate the sick, sociopathic fucks. Gordon Gecko should be no one’s role model, but here we are.
- Comment on When Millennials Have A Big Adulting Event 10 months ago:
I feel like the advent of the internet is going to shame humanity little by little into just shutting the fuck up in general.
I am completely on board with this goal.
- Comment on Alarming Ocean Temperatures tease daunting hurricanes this year - Reckless Growth has Dire Consequences 11 months ago:
In the story of terran life that’s 3.5 billion-ish years long, and counting, we’ll barely be a paragraph.
I find that oddly comforting.
- Comment on Tech titans assemble to decide which jobs AI should cut first 11 months ago:
Put on my list, sounds like it has some animal farm vibes.
- Comment on Alarming Ocean Temperatures tease daunting hurricanes this year - Reckless Growth has Dire Consequences 11 months ago:
When all of the people are dead by our own species’ hands, Earth will find homeostasis again.
As George Carlin said, the planet will shake this troublesome species off like a bad case of fleas, a surface nuisance.
- Comment on Tech titans assemble to decide which jobs AI should cut first 11 months ago:
Entire industries cannibalizing one another to eliminate competition and their industry’s ability and desire to make the products/services they existed for in the first place. TimeWarnerHBOblahblah shelving projects and making lazy appeals to nostalgia for what the companies they destroy once made and cheap reality garbage instead of actual media comes to mind, but it’s terminal capitalism, it’s happening in every sector.
Then they lay off their workers cutting their workforce to the bone by activist shareholder demand, eliminating potential consumers of the economy.
Now they want to use AI to cut the bone.
The economy no longer has any interest in the human beings it was created as a lowly tool to serve. We’re being cut out entirely.
AI could and should be used to free mankind from tedious labor, that’s why such innovation should have come from well funded PUBLIC research our economy should have been oriented to feed.
Instead, like every other technology, it will be used as yet another cudgel against society.
- Alarming Ocean Temperatures tease daunting hurricanes this year - Reckless Growth has Dire ↗Submitted 11 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on U.S. drops from top 20 happiest countries list in 2024 World Happiness Report for the first time 11 months ago:
It was artificially inflated for decades until almost no one was dumb enough to swallow the whole, hard pushed “American Exceptionalism” horseshit anymore.
You would have to suffer a head injury to be proud of this cesspool of inequality and racism, built on foundations of genocide and slavery, whose core values can be summed up in 2 words: greed and schadenfreude.
Even the one thing everyone points to about how noble they proclaim we are, World War 2, wasn’t noble at all. We had to be catastrophically attacked to be willing to do the right thing. That isn’t noble, that’s just what you do, fight back. Noble would have been fighting the Nazis before the Japanese (thankfully) made the greatest strategic military blunder of the 20th century.
- Comment on U.S. drops from top 20 happiest countries list in 2024 World Happiness Report for the first time 11 months ago:
The sad reality is that the lower the peasants are, the higher the owners feel, and humanity subsists in service to our about 3k billionaires and 28k 100-million-plus-onairs fee-fees, exclusively.
As traject aspect of human nature, and this is part of psychology, is that the basis of human happiness is usually derived from comparison to others.
If Warren, Elon, Rupert, Jeff, etc could snap their fingers and give everyone a magically sustainable Earth where everyone gets whatever they want or need similar to them, they wouldn’t, the being so far above the peasants is the point.
- Comment on U.S. drops from top 20 happiest countries list in 2024 World Happiness Report for the first time 11 months ago:
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
We live in perpetual class occupation precisely because the owner class has no problem assaulting the lower classes, while the lower classes argue about how unseemly it would be to fight back
The path forward not involving the peasants actually fighting back for me once is just more of the same, the owner class leveraging their capital/power/governmental capture to get more from themselves by finding new and interesting ways to exploit you.
No, there is no way forward with any hope that doesn’t involve class war. Fortunately for the owners, they’re divisive propaganda is working as intended. We’re more interested in fighting one another over stupid wedge issues largely exacerbated by economic inequity than our common enemies at the top. Until we stop looking for fellow peasants to blame for our problems and start looking upward to the root cause, there is no hope.
- Comment on Grocery Prices Have Soared. That’s Spoiling Biden’s Economic Pitch. 11 months ago:
Glad Reagan died horribly. He deserved it.
- Comment on The supposed paper of record urges Biden not to blame Our insatiably greedy owners for the greedflation they cause 11 months ago:
The point of capitalism is to separate labor from most of the value it produces that would otherwise be used to do so, and even in doing so often propagates the problem because it’s initially safer and cheaper to open and have fealty to a franchise because its a losing battle to attempt to compete with the scale of the big players in most conquered economic sectors.
Either way, you’re enriching the sociopaths, by design. They can steal your labor as an employee or a franchisee, or you can most likely fail opening an independent business in the age of behemoths that can do it for a fraction of the price shittily, but as Walmart proved in destroying main street decades ago, capitalism breeds desperation, which means all most people are forced to care about is cheap.
So TLDR, I don’t open that independent hardware store because statistics are against me and failure leaves one who doesn’t already hold significant capital in an even worse situation. Funny how the capitalist defenders try to cut it both ways, “you’re where you are because you don’t take risks! Also if you end up destitude its your own fault for not acting responsible.”