- Comment on Congrats you're famous, now my work proxy is blocking :) 3 weeks ago:
Hey, I had a question about passing all your traffic through a home VPN: What does your internet plan look like? Asking because in some places ISPs are such that the download speed (which is what is on all their marketing material) is good, but upload speed is really shitty. Downloading a 500 MB file takes far less time than uploading it.
- Comment on Student loan payment 'on-ramp' ends Sept. 30—missed payments afterward can have serious consequences 5 months ago:
Wait, what? So even if you declare bankruptcy the student debt stays on record? You still have to pay it back?
- Comment on "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" 10 months ago:
Exactly. A portion of the money is funnelled back to them. Social events for networking become tax write offs when they add a “Help the kids” box out front.
- Comment on "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" 10 months ago:
Sure, but this time they can be sure their money goes to themselves instead of those pesky vulnerable sections of society.
- Comment on I am going to miss the mute and power buttons when they take them away. 10 months ago:
I lost the second monitor in a boating accident.
- Comment on Rich Americans are getting second passports, citing risk of instability 10 months ago:
imma make a raft and bring my hammer and chisel
- Comment on Helpful victims less likely to be injured -Toronto Police 11 months ago:
Any idea why?
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
Destroy display screens? Really brother? We can surely take more direct action.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
Not a fucking chance. I’m going to start a guillotine business.
In a gold rush, sell shovels.
- Comment on U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest 11 months ago:
The humanity!
- Comment on Parasitic wasps and caterpillars type of thing 11 months ago:
Good old days when the factory owner comes outside to see a rope on a streetlight and suddenly working conditions get a lot better
- Comment on Young adults are getting used to living on a financial cliff 1 year ago:
No, they aren’t. They’re forced to because there is no viable alternative.
- Comment on Aerial photos reveal work progressing on The Line megacity 1 year ago:
I feel like they actually use more ethical methods for their prestige projects, just because dead workers are bad PR.
- Comment on Childhood disrupted: is the internet damaging young people’s development? 1 year ago:
That sort of impatience really doesn’t bode well for your parenting skills.
- Comment on Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech 1 year ago:
We should when it’s other capital that wants to steal it.
- Comment on Investigative journalist friendlyjordies gets firebombed as a silencing tactic, police do nothing, eventually forcing them to take down their investigation. 1 year ago:
Is this the statement from friendlyjordies after the arrest?
- Comment on “My next child could be retarded. So could yours.” Barbra Streisand for The National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) - Imgur 1 year ago:
In line with the wishes of Madam Streisand I have looked at everything in this picture except for the center, which is where I assume the house to be. One of you (Only one of you) may look at the house without disturbing the net number of time sthis house has been seen.
- Comment on Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform 1 year ago:
Well maybe you should have become a known publisher before writing any programs.
- Comment on Order 1 year ago:
Nope. It was uncomfortable and I’d argue we played worse because of the discomfort. We were also pretty bad at the game so I think we wanted the socks with rubber bands as a scapegoat instead of accepting we were shit.
- Comment on Order 1 year ago:
When playing football, to keep the socks from riding down our legs, we used to put loose rubber bands on top of them, near the top of the sock. Then to avoid the rubberbands from riding up above the sockline, we used to fold the sock over the rubberbands downwards. Then to avoid the fold from being undone during play another rubberband had to be put on top of the folded part.
Sounds similar to this. Just thought it was notable.
- Comment on “We just lost 3TB of data on a SanDisk Extreme SSD” - The Verge 1 year ago:
Can’t trust Amazon with shit nowadays. What’s the point of sales if you get fake shit in the first place? I mean, Amazon is sleazy even without the common-binning but for a while they were good with their online shopping.
Also, what data storage solutions do you use now? I’m considering just encrypting my stuff and uploading them to some paid cloud service - atleast then someone else smarter than me is responsible for making sure it’s safe and accessible.
- Comment on “We just lost 3TB of data on a SanDisk Extreme SSD” - The Verge 1 year ago:
Ooh ooooh look at me everybody I’m so much smarter than this IDIOT that expected the devices he PAID FOR to work as advertised and the company to be honest and straightforward with firmware issues and updates
I run this better system than NORMIES and even if it fails (because I’m an idiot) I DONT CARE ABOUT THE DATA on them because iT DiDn’T mATteR tO Me iN tHe fIrSt PlAcE.
PS For people wondering about the second paragraph, check this guy’s other comments in this thread.