Nokia is a husk of a former tech company that was gutted by Microsoft for anti competitive reasons.
Comment on Nokia tells Reddit it might be infringing on Nokia's patents. 11 months ago
Why are we mad about an active tech company protecting their IP?
Patent trolls buy up more patents than any company could ever be able to use in actual products in order to make money sueing everyone under the sun.
Nokia is a telecom company that does their own RnD to this day, how tf does this make them a patent troll, unless this is over something dumb and frivolous, which we don’t know yet. 11 months ago 11 months ago
They sold their mobile branch. The brand of which eventually ended up with HMD global, which now makes Nokia branded phones.
Nokia Oyj is a telecom tech company, as in the hardware and standards behind wireless communication tech. They never stopped. 11 months ago
And even back when Microsoft bought the mobile phone operations the company making the phones was Microsoft Mobile and Microsoft only leased the brand name from Nokia to use on their mobile phones for 10 years - same as with HMD Global today. 11 months ago
That is entirely incorrect. Microsoft doesn’t own the company and never did. MS bought the phone division and a license for the name to go with it.
I tried to look up what this notice is actually about, but there’s nothing out there yet. So can’t say much being a patent troll “arm” either. 11 months ago
That’s sad. 11 months ago
And almost completely false. MS never bought Nokia in its entirety, the parts it did acquire languished for a while, with the brand eventually ending up with HMD Global. That is the company that makes Nokia phones today, and they’re doing ok.
The company that’s relevant in this patent dispute is Nokia Oyj, the main operations of which is telecom RnD and infrastructure, and it has nothing to do with MS aside from being the company that they bought a mobile phone division from. 11 months ago
And reddit is a husk of a former tech company who doesn’t even have a good excutfor why they’ve gotten consistently worse over the last decade. 11 months ago
We don’t even know what the suit is about, so I don’t know how anyone can pick a side about anything. 11 months ago
I’ll be ready to flip the second it comes out if this suit is BS.
But I’m siding with Nokia Oyj here because they have a decent track record of actually doing the legwork on their tech, advancing the science, and sharing that with the industry through sane licensing.
Also the company is one of the success stories of my country, so maybe I’m biased, but then that hasn’t stopped me from hating exploitative pieces of shit like Rovio and Supercell. 11 months ago
I’m just going to wait until I hear the details of the suit. At this point I don’t really understand the point of picking a side when we have almost no information. 11 months ago
Fair enough. And I’m absolutely far more interested in convincing people to not scream “patent troll” with this little to go on. 11 months ago
The point is that spez is a colossal fucking asshole and Nokia has never wronged me.