- Comment on Stolen design being sold on etsy 10 months ago:
Is the design PURELY artistic in nature? If so, you can file with Etsy.
Is the design something that’s used for a purpose, mechanical in nature, etc? If so, there’s not much you can do.
- Comment on Social Security isn’t keeping up with inflation. That could weaken Biden’s support among some seniors | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
Ah the good ol’ conservative mantra. Cut spending to programs that work. Claim government doesn’t work. Cut spending even more, turn program useless, point at it as an example that government doesn’t work. Blame Government for useless program, push to “privatize” it - moving the goalposts every time people mention that you’re trying to destroy a system that worked…
- Comment on Social Security isn’t keeping up with inflation. That could weaken Biden’s support among some seniors | CNN Politics 10 months ago:…/trump-floats-cutting-spending-on-ent…
So let’s see… “Not keeping up with inflation” vs “reducing it even further”…
You lack critical thinking skills.
- Comment on CNN Poll: Trump maintains lead over Biden in 2024 matchup as views on their presidencies diverge | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
The difference being – Biden voters are mostly voting for him because the alternative is Trump. The same reason everyone voted for Trump: Because Trump wasn’t Hillary.
Republicans keep pushing this anti-abortion stance, and they’re gonna lose a lot of women voters as well. We’re seeing the death-throes of a dying ideology. All because they’re mad a black man became president in the first place.
Trump doesn’t end up winning in this next election cycle; I live in a deeeeeeep red area that was once blue in the past – many here have become Never-Trumpers, despite being hardcore repubs. He’s gonna lose again, and everyone will remember that there are good reasons that we don’t run losers in the presidential race a second time…
- Comment on YouTube could roll out ads while videos are paused after “strong traction” in experiment 10 months ago:
These ads don’t have sound.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
Out of all the advertising they could do, at least this is somewhat unobtrusive. If they had this instead of preroll ads, I’d actually be okay with it.
- Comment on Looking for a good, cheap backup solution. 10 months ago:
3 rules for backups:
- Keep 3 copies of your data.
- Keep 2 of those copies on different types of media
- Keep 1 of those copies off-site.
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Fuck this. Torx, Hex, square drive are all positive engagement. Phillips is literally designed to cam out. Slotted is just the first head type to have existed because of how easy it is to make, but is far inferior to every other type.
- Comment on DeSantis eliminates 'squatters' rights' in Florida, gives power to cops to remove offenders 11 months ago:
Honestly, I think this is a pretty bipartisan stance. What I’m angry about is that I’m agreeing with Ron on something…
- Comment on The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Announced for 2025 11 months ago:
Its certainly primed for one.
- Comment on Zero Two (by Dragon) 11 months ago:
- Comment on Is there much difference between Stellar and Star san? How's the StellarSan stuff so cheap? 11 months ago:
They’re both 50% phosphoric acid. It’s the same shit.
- Comment on The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Announced for 2025 11 months ago:
I knew a lot of the combinations of chemicals and stuff from just…loving science. But she wasn’t really a nerd growing up, I think my excitement for a science anime rubbed off on her :D
- Comment on The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Announced for 2025 11 months ago:
Honestly, I enjoyed this show better than Frieren a lot of the time despite it being pretty formulaic. My wife and I also looooved the hell out of Dr. Stone as well for some reason though.
- Comment on Users shocked to find Instagram limits political content by default 11 months ago:
This place is too small for something like that to be practical, and operates in an insanely different way than Insta/TikTok, etc. We don’t follow people here, we follow subjects.
- Comment on Users shocked to find Instagram limits political content by default 11 months ago:
Thank god. Half the population isn’t smart enough to engage with it. If they’re smart enough to turn access to it back on, then they pass the test.
- Comment on Autonomous LED Driver Dev Board Schematic 11 months ago:
Other than maybe integrating pullup resistors into the board, I can’t see anything.
- Comment on Can a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8 GB of RAM handle my needs? 11 months ago:
I bought a CN62 Chromebox, and put MrChromebox’s Bios on it – I did the rounds comparing it with a Pi 4 and it was 2.5x faster, and could easily saturate my gigabit connection. It came with 16gb of storage, and 2gb of ram; but using ACTUAL DRAM slots. I could upgrade it to 16gb if I needed to down the line.
The whole thing, cost me like $45 shipped; power supply, storage, everything needed…
- Comment on Diablo 4, Terra Invicta, and Lightyear Frontier headline the next wave of PC Game Pass additions 11 months ago:
Does anyone care about this game any more? Blizzard got their whale-money, and destroyed all of the consumer appreciation they had gained over the years with this shit. The developers don’t even play their own game.
- Comment on Nokia tells Reddit it might be infringing on Nokia's patents. 11 months ago:
If you’re enforcing a patent that would have been come up with other people in the same field, then the patent is invalid, many of us would consider going after people with an invalid patent – patent trolling.
- Comment on Nokia tells Reddit it might be infringing on Nokia's patents. 11 months ago:
Nokia is a husk of a former tech company that was gutted by Microsoft for anti competitive reasons.
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 11 months ago:
I thought this place was for shitposting, not whining.
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
Why? If they’re Ex-cons, they’ve done their time and they deserve to be treated the same as everyone else.
They’re a perfect group to use in my example.
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
You’re actively having people ask who their friends are, and they’re being guarded about it.
If you felt like you might be kicked out of a group of friends that you really liked, because of your association with someone THEY didn’t like; wouldn’t you be a little guarded too?
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
Honestly I’d feel quite attacked if I were on the other side of this questioning.
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
No. Because as a friend, it’s not my job to dictate my friends-friends.
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
I’d call them normal.
- Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 11 months ago:
Illegal? No.
- Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 11 months ago:
Yep, you got it - that’s EXACTLY what they do. That’s the purpose of the “Sidewalk” network.
- Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 11 months ago:
You should educate yourself about Amazon’s “sidewalk” network.