FYI, tracking is also (potentially) done via the HDMI connection by the streaming device.
For example: I have an HDMI Blu-ray, and the TV has tech to sample what is on the screen - so it knows what I’m watching even if it’s not streamed. The bastards are always a few steps ahead of us. 11 months ago
AppleTV 4k is probably the best option privacywise IMHO. 11 months ago
Watch out, you can’t say anything good about any Apple products on Lemmy lest you seek downvotes. 11 months ago
Because Apple privacy is as much a sham as any other product. They just market and obfuscste well. 11 months ago
I know, I know. Fortunately Lemmy downvotes mean nothing. Apple software has definitely gone downhill since I started back in 2007, but there’s still no total ecosystem replacement that is superior, as far as I can tell. 11 months ago
Look I don’t care for lemmy trends and I use Apple laptops as I get them from work.
That said it’s hardly a superior ecosystem, and particularly for this specific use. As a million people have said already, kodi on Linux is a pretty good start. Look at libreelec that is an os wrapped around kodi.