Pretty sure this is not legal in many countries. Adverts must be at the very least labeled as such, like Google does with a tiny almost unnoticeable label.
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
If it’s not already the law, it needs to be. It should be required that paid advertising be disclosed in all contexts. 11 months ago 11 months ago
In my country TV ads are explicitly marked with text in one corner 11 months ago
In the US, most TV commercials are so obviously TV commercials that they don’t label them. Some TV stations do have bumpers they air when the TV show goes to break and comes back from break. 11 months ago
I stopped watching local news when they started having the anchors pitch to ads like they were just another news item. 11 months ago
In my country, paper press as to identify when something looks like an article, but it’s an ad. 11 months ago
In another article they post a photo of an example from reddit and it does say promoted next to the post title. So there’s something there because there is an FTC law saying ads must be disclosed. Obviously they want to obfuscate that it’s an ad as much as possible though so who knows how that’ll change. 11 months ago 11 months ago
At this point if you removed all lies in the united states all youd have left is a chimp in a business suit with a flag lapel pin. 11 months ago
That’s not a nice thing to say about Trump. 11 months ago
That’s already the case in at least the Netherlands. 11 months ago
Its a law where I live… 11 months ago
Paid ads should not only need to be marked, but noticeably different in a timeline. Something obvious like a different post color.
Twitter fits ads in the middle of content and just puts a little tiny “Ad” in the upper corner (on mobile at least) and at a glance scrolling through you can’t tell it’s an ad, other than all of their ads now being for some shady mobile game that lies about how it looks or crypto in various forms. Those should be required to have a different color background than actual user posts, not just a size 8 font “Ad” in the corner of the post on a 3.5" screen. 11 months ago
I think what YouTube does would be sufficient. There’s a noticeably different video progress bar colour (yellow instead of red) and a large "Skip Ad in __" in the corner, plus the advertiser information on the side.
Reddit could do this by putting a “Paid advertisement” watermark in the corner or putting “Advert” where the upvote/downvote buttons are and colouring it some noticeable colour, like yellow, and I would be satisfied with that.