- Comment on More than a quarter of new code at Google is generated by AI. 4 months ago:
Ah, indeed:
Today, more than a quarter of all new code at Google is generated by AI, then reviewed and accepted by engineers. This helps our engineers do more and move faster.
Sounds like bs to me, comes across as marketing talk to promote their AI offerings.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Have you had CPR training? What you stated isn’t true. Every second counts. But looking up instructions and seeing a easy video will still help massively.
- Comment on Virgin Media Warns UK Broadband Users Not to Switch Routers Off at Night - ISPreview UK 5 months ago:
im qualified enough to know better
Maybe if you make YouTube videos you’d achieve that.
Regarding experts, there’s so many topics where experts are ignored.
- Comment on My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves 5 months ago:
oh you watch videos and it’s hard to concentrate after a while? Welcome to actual driving jobs
Watching videos is comparable to e.g. ATC work. I don’t see driving as comparable. In one you’re actively doing something. In the others you’re only checking for stuff that might go wrong but usually goes ok.
There’s a significant difference in ATC vs the training AI: in ATC work people are swapped out after a few hours and they have regular breaks. While here for that AI the company is pretending it can be done for an 8 hour shift.
I have no doubt that we will likewise see the mental and physical effort of driving as well as the danger of it become as unconscionable as threshing or machine operator work is to us now.
Meh, that’s been said for ages. Currently the reliability of automated driving is often crazily overestimated. Human driving is pretty reliable, especially on highways.
Change for the better is good. But just because there’s a computer involved doesn’t mean it’s already better or that’ll be foolproof.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
There are different type of smoke alarms. Some detect smoke. There are two ways of doing that. Near a kitchen area it’s usually best to get a completely different one that just uses changes in temperature. Though they will only notify you way matter. So highly recommend keeping the existing one and moving that one somewhere else.
- Comment on Battery electric vehicles lose their spark in Europe as hybrids steal the show 8 months ago:
That’s news to me considering the EPA-rated fuel economy of vehicles with both hybrid and pure ICE drivetrains is universally higher for the hybrid versions.
Because they make certain assumptions. Fortunately the EU mandated that cars measures those things since various years. That caused a review of those hybrids. They’re usually not charged.
- Comment on OLED monitor momentum expected to continue — analysts expect 1.34 million units shipped by year end 9 months ago:
Prices usually go down as production increases, no? And it’s not really about increased production, more about gaining experience in producing it.
- Comment on How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion 9 months ago:
Then explain why this is a global phenomenon?
Because the same causes are happening mostly all over the world. Meaning, buying up houses. Driving up rent, etc.
- Comment on How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion 9 months ago:
If housing supply is sufficiently elastic
But it takes ages to build houses. You’re again blaming something that’s a given just to ignore that housing is a basic need. Obviously if the basic need is manipulated there’s loads of money to be made.
- Comment on Which is the best WiFi 7 adapter: Intel vs Qualcomm 9 months ago:
Qualcomm: better support for amd
Intel usually has two type of WiFi adapters. One tries on things in their CPUs, the other one doesn’t. So it a bit strange that this video finds it surprising that there’s a version tied to Intel CPUs. I’d always get the one that doesn’t need an Intel CPU. This as it’ll impact your CPU less, Intel or not.
- Comment on FCC explicitly prohibits fast lanes, closing possible net neutrality loophole 9 months ago:
Roe vs wade should’ve been a law. Republicans said it wasn’t needed because of that case. If it isn’t a problem to have a law/restriction, then why argue against it?
- Comment on iFixit hails replaceable LPCAMM2 laptop memory as a 'big deal' 9 months ago:
It’d destroy their upsell from 8gb process in one fell swoop.
There’s a video where someone upgrades the memory of an iPhone by cnc’ing the existing memory chip. So basically using a drill to more or less drill the existing chip to get rid of it. Requires crazy precision.
- Comment on Apple introduces M4 chip 9 months ago:
I mean, Apple was never innovative, so you surely can get something better somewhere else?
That wasn’t stated by this person, no? It is a common fallacy to disprove a claim that wasn’t made.
- Comment on Apple introduces M4 chip 9 months ago:
I heard they were pretty good, on par and better than M3s.
I only saw that claim in an article where they explained that those chips (Snapdragon) aren’t anything special. Apparently yet another case that a company uses misleading benchmarks.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Simply pay, and you won’t see ads.
Loads of videos have embedded ads.
- Comment on Why data centers want to have their own nuclear reactors 10 months ago:
In case anyone wants to read that:
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
You don’t need solar panels. Could also just be dynamic energy pricing. Also do not need a water heater. Thermal mass could just be heating the place at a certain time. Don’t get the bit about temp changes, maybe you mean you never heat or cool your place?
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
I just bought one of these!
There weren’t any better options?
Did you try e.g. long pressing buttons, pressing -, or anything?
I had the +/- buttons ages ago (cheap alternative when renting). Never again.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
OpenTherm is easy to install but “stupid” as hell
Ah, good but not nice to know. OpenTherm is really popular in the Netherlands. Not nice because I know loads who have such a thermostat. Oh well.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
A lot of those smart thermostats do not support things like OpenTherm. As a result they often either start the heating or they do not heat. There’s no modulation.
OpenTherm is from 1990s. Having a thermostat with a presence sensor is also not really anything new. Adding remote functionality would be nice if those “smart” wouldn’t be so utterly terrible at being a thermostat. Meaning, the lack of modulation. And no modulation is pricy way to heat your home.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
Long clicking on [3] then + + + + + + to boil your f eggs?
A lot of them have a terrible UI. But that’s far from all of them. Enough have sliders. Sometimes one with a pan detection. Sometimes a slider per area.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
For fucks sake, people, use KNX.
I thought you’d say OpenTherm!
- Comment on Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants 10 months ago:
Trickle down economics should result in more jobs. In this case it didn’t. The lesson is that not enough subsidy was given because people were fired instead of hired. Suggest they give Musk more money, that should get the desired result! /s
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Ah, so pay for premium to support creators, but if you support creators in another way then that’s bad because… reasons.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
To. Support. The. Creators. I. Watch.
Did you ask those creators how much money they get? Loads of them make way more from inserting advertisements themselves.
It’s also telling that you’re saying it’s about supporting those creators while responding negatively towards the person who blocks ads and gives money directly.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
YouTube doesn’t report their expenses.
But you said they aren’t making a profit. And you could see their revenue heavily increased in the last few years. So something has to give.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
That you think not paying YouTube would make it so they could give their creators enough to where they didn’t need to take outside sponsors.
YouTube has 30 billion revenue a year. You make a claim about what I think but I didn’t claim it, nor did you back up that things would change.
Your claim is like the trickle down economic policy, which initially was meant as a joke.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
YouTube has been running on a loss
Can you look to that? They only seem to share revenue, not profit. And profit is easily manipulated. Apparently they had 29 billion USD in revenue in 2023. There was a huge growth in revenue. I don’t see why you really claim that they’re making a loss.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Loads of videos have ads in there. They’re put in there by the content creators. This as YouTube doesn’t pay enough. YouTube premium doesn’t block those.
It’s strange that you haven’t noticed those.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
But that doesn’t get rid of the ads, it just get rid of some. Sponsorblock would still be needed. Why pay a huge amount for something ineffective?