- Comment on As a precaution, houses of worship in New Jersey are getting bleeding control kits 11 months ago:
Why churches instead of schools? Why is taxpayer money being used to supply private churches when our public schools are goddamned shooting galleries? Why is DHS super concerned with helping christians to prep instead of putting these supplies where shootings actually happen, schools? What kinda conspiracy bullshit is this that “theyre coming for your churches and bibles”? So fucking done with this shithole country.
- Comment on What can we do when something is too vast to provide representative examples for? 11 months ago:
Intelligence is knowing you can beat someone in a debate. Wisdom is knowing when not to bother.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
At this point if you removed all lies in the united states all youd have left is a chimp in a business suit with a flag lapel pin.
- Comment on Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO 1 year ago:
No thanks. Im going to go ahead and focus on what I choose. But thanks for your input.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Cool cool, a few bad apples and all that. I’ll accept that you personally are surrounded by apple pie christians who call their mother every week. Whole lotta atheists like this as well. What is the net benefit of teaching children lies and magical thinking? What is the benefit of eschewing logic and reason? Can we all just be decent people minus magical sky fairy beliefs? Also the bible is evil as fuck. Im assuming you gloss over the genocide, murder, rape, slavery, treating women as livestock that is PROMOTED by your god?
- Comment on Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO 1 year ago:
“Intelegence”. Oh the irony.
- Comment on These States Are Basically Begging You to Get a Heat Pump 1 year ago:
Wish they would have linked to the specific programs available
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck Owners Who Drove 10,000 Miles Say Range Is 164 To 206 Miles 1 year ago:
Give me a break. Aint no roofing contractor or excavating company using these things as a work vehicle. If you want to see one visit the parking lot outside 21forever
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck Owners Who Drove 10,000 Miles Say Range Is 164 To 206 Miles 1 year ago:
Can we stop pretending people buying this monstrosity are going to use it like a farm implement. Lmao! Best chance of seeing one of these in the wild will be at a golf course clubhouse.
- Comment on Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds 1 year ago: