- Comment on Net neutrality is about to make a comeback 10 months ago:
That’s one of the reasons I’m hoarding now.
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
Is this the outline for Charlie Kaufman’s next film?
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 11 months ago:
It depends. Using OPs scenario, if all data, ads and updates, are served from, then the pi hole can’t help. But if ads are served from and updates from, then you can blacklist the ads while still receiving the updates.
My experience with a Vizio is that the pi is blocking a lot of the “phoning home” connections, but the ads seem to be integrated with the software that allows me to use apps, so I still see them when I use the TV’s apps. More and more though, I’m using the HDMI port with my HTPC.
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
I have a network enabled model from Brother and it’s never once shown up on my pi-hole. I’m a fan for life. Will never buy an HP printer again.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I stopped watching local news when they started having the anchors pitch to ads like they were just another news item.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
There is no such thing as fate. Life is what it is. Make the best of it.
- Comment on Fujitsu bugs that sent innocent people to prison were known “from the start” 1 year ago:
There would be a class action lawsuit where lawyers take two thirds of the settlement and those affected would get enough for a fancy Starbucks coffee.
- Comment on Server Configuration Update 1 year ago:
Since I don’t know your level of expertise, I’ll go step by step. Forgive me if you already know how to do some of this.
In terminal, type “sudo nano /etc/fstab” (without quotes). This brings up a file where you can add the mount point so it mounts at boot and set options for the mount. Go to the end of the file and enter a line like the following, substituting your info in the appropriate places: /// / 0 0 Mine looks like this: // /mnt/Media cifs _netdev,user=anonymouse,password=*****,uid=1000,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
The “_netdev” option is the one that delays the mount until after your network is up. The “file_mode” & “dir_mode” set the mount permissions. There is info out there showing how to insert a reference to a credentials file instead of placing them in fstab in plain text, but I didn’t bother since I have my computer and user profile pretty well locked down.
To get _netdev to work, I had to enter the following in terminal (without quotes): “sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd-wait-online”.
I couldn’t find all the sites I visited while setting this up, but here are a few:…/how-do-i-mount-a-cifs-sh……/fstab-not-automatically-…
Hope this helps!
- Comment on Server Configuration Update 1 year ago:
I’ll look up the exact info when I get home and provide links if I can find them again.
The summary is that I had to add a line to /etc/fstab with the ip and folder route of the nas drive and folder, then the mount point in linux, the file system type for the mount, options that give login creds/group id + establish permissions I want to apply to the mount, and an option that keeps the drive from trying to mount until my network is connected.
Finally, for that last option to work, I had to enable a process that I forget the name of. I think it was in systemd, but I was able to initiate it from the command line.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
I don’t think a school board has control of personnel matters like sick leave policy. Where I’m from, this is set by state legislature.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
It’s called coal ash, and we’re still paying Duke Energy to not clean up their own mess.
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
I scroll through all/hot a couple times a week and I don’t find the content nearly as funny, interesting or engaging as it used to be. There’s definitely something different about the algorithm that is making the content more sanitized for a wider audience.
- Comment on New year time 1 year ago:
I finally got my time machine to work!
- Comment on " Pass the beernuts.” 1 year ago:
If crows are so smart, why do scarecrows work?
- Comment on McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine Hackers Say They Found the ‘Smoking Gun’ That Killed Their Startup 1 year ago:
Summary judgment seems unlikely given the vagueness of the email. But maybe it gives Taylor more incentive to offer a decent settlement to Kytch. If it goes to trial, will be interesting to see how it plays out.
- Comment on And this is why I no longer have cable. 1 year ago:
I’d watch me some Tornado Alley Trailer Park Wives.
- Comment on Email Etiquette 1 year ago:
“Please review the attached guide, which can be conveniently found on our website.” This translates to, “Stop wasting my time by asking me basic fucking questions that you could easily find the answers to on your own!”
- Comment on 1.1 History 1 year ago:
“Ignorance is bliss.”
- Comment on Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation 1 year ago:
I’m not sure how much of what is suggested in that article is possible, but it is chilling nonetheless. They reference all these heroic characters from movies while (maybe) not realizing that they sound just like the villains from those same films.
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
That has more to do with farming practices though, not plastic pollution.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
Rob has no “testimony”. Rob has questioned Bob’s statement without making any attempt to see things from Bob’s perspective or to ask Bob about his suffering. Rob, and by Rob I mean you, lack any empathy or curiosity that would open him to any possibility of understanding another person’s struggles.
- Comment on Should I quit my monthly expenses for alcohol? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Auto execs are coming clean: EVs aren't working 1 year ago:
I think the assumption in Pasta4u’s scenario is that home charging overnight is not an option.