Accidents happen, and people panic. Maybe she thought she was pressing the breaks and made the problem worse. I highly doubt anyone would do it intentionally.
Accidents happen, and people panic. Maybe she thought she was pressing the breaks and made the problem worse. I highly doubt anyone would do it intentionally. 11 months ago
So then why blame the car? 11 months ago
By default, Teslas are set in “one pedal driving” mode, which makes it so that the wheels won’t turn without the throttle/accelerator being pressed. That’s a different interface and behavior from the traditional automatic transmission, where simply lifting the foot off the brake pedal allows the vehicle to roll either forward or backward, depending on whether it’s in D or R.
The selection of the “transmission” setting of P R D in a Tesla also doesn’t have tactile feedback that subtly communicates which direction it’s set to.
The combination of the two means that the car is different in these ways and can contribute to mistaken gear selection plus application of the throttle, compared to a typical car. 11 months ago
i felt more than a little sick to my stomach at “one pedal driving”. 11 months ago
Have you tried one pedal driving? 11 months ago
Ahh, no. Plenty of automatic vehicles will either not move or move very slowly when idling in drive, and you will always need to accelerate if you’re facing uphill.
It definitely sounds like the driver was at least partially to blame. 11 months ago
Cause people want to blame the car? 11 months ago
Because insufferable Tesla fanbois have for literally fucking years told us that touchscreen controls are better.
No they aren’t you dumb fucks. When you cant feel reverse vs feeling drive, people will get confused. 11 months ago
These folks just wanna fanboy/girl over being scammed by their favorite billionaire for the lol memes.
The main problem is that all these companies have no experience with ISO26262 or Functional Safety for Road Vehicles. Replace “Tesla” with “BYD” and look at the number of news headlines regarding exploding cars in China.
Only benefit that comes from cars coming from the big 3 is that there’s at least a few years of experience behind the design (even if its a bad one) so that it at least it doesn’t blow up, or lock you in when its on fire. 11 months ago
Show us on the doll where the tesla drivers annoyed you? 11 months ago
Wait, has that ever been confirmed? I mean of course Tesla would deny it, but I’d be quicker to believe user error than a design flaw (but I wouldn’t rule it out either) 11 months ago
Yeah this is a little nutty seeing people with axes to grind.
An old lady drives her 2005 car through a restaurant entrance and people blame the driver and say things like “driving tests should be mandatory every X years.” A woman in a Tesla launches her car into a lake and people jump to the drivers defense, make excuses as to why the driver isn’t responsible, and want to complain about whatever bullshit the CEO tweeted out in the last week.
It’s almost comical to witness. 11 months ago
she made a mistake. good design could have prevented her crash, and less negligent design should have let her live. absolute worst case scenario, it should have been an expensive mistake, but not a fatal one. 11 months ago
Because they have changed the car controls radically. It’s not intuitive for many people.
The car relies on systems which add undue complexity and area for failure in unforeseen circumstances. Solenoid doors have been around since the 50s, but there are reasons they were never common until Tesla decided to use them.
I’m not saying the lady is blameless and it’s all the cars fault. But design decisions on the Tesla do makes them more difficult to use/escape from in an emergency situation.