- Comment on Ban on Chinese tech so broad, US-made cars would be blocked, Polestar says 4 months ago:
That sounds expensive. They’d rather change the law. Again.
- Comment on Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces 4 months ago:
Of course there is! They could spend more money in PR campaigns and ~bribes~ lobbying
- Comment on Trump calls for prosecution of Google over search results he says favor Harris 5 months ago:
I’m all in favour of prosecuting Google for it’s search monopoly, but Trump only cares about using the monopoly in his own favour
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
All the songs I have copied to iTunes get uploaded, but if you have the lossless versions they get converted to normal quality on other devices, or if you remove the local original copy.
Music doesn’t support flac, though, you have to convert them to alac first.
I also use a Mac, I don’t know if it’s different on windows
- Comment on Police in Japan have arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of selling illegally modified Pokémon save data to customers online 10 months ago:
Not to disagree with you, but PKHex is not a CLI application. It relies heavily on a visual interface.
The problem is not (necessarily) using the program, but loading the save files to it.
Modding an OG switch is relatively simple but dangerous process if you do something wrong. Modding any modern switch is practically impossible to do as a normal individual.
But once you have that it’s a dead simple process to do it, and just a little bit time consuming to gen and trade the mons
- Comment on YSK: it's not just Tesla, 1/3 of cars in built in the last ten years have passenger/rear windows that are almost impossible to break in an emergency. 11 months ago:
Accidents happen, and people panic. Maybe she thought she was pressing the breaks and made the problem worse. I highly doubt anyone would do it intentionally.
- Comment on What are the practical benefits of the fediverse? 1 year ago:
On top of this, someone could make an instance dedicated to that niche subject and similar topics, and you could subscribe with the account you already have somewhere else instead of having to periodically check that niche instance.
Right now the problem is finding those instances, and generally finding reliable instances that won’t suddenly go offline
- Comment on Wondering if it’s possible to mod a Pokémon go plus? 1 year ago:
From the app no. Even if you could get into the pokemon go app and mod it, they would quickly notice the modified app and ban you
- Comment on Lapsus$: GTA 6 hacker sentenced to life in hospital prison 1 year ago:
But rehabilitation costs money, money that could go to private prisons instead
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
3.7k people download Threads, but how many will use it?
- Comment on Mouse - Official Early Gameplay Trailer 1 year ago:
It will be next year
- Comment on Im looking for a privacy friendly DNS 1 year ago:
At home you can use (Unbound)[]
- Comment on What's the dumbest thing you've shipped? 1 year ago:
This was a series of decisions with good intentions that went poorly in the long run.
Our customer wanted us to setup a system so their users could track their products from their site from a variety of carriers; but their backend was very old and difficult to work with, and their network very locked down.
We were struggling to setup a single carrier, so we eventually decided to setup a new server with modern tooling on our own network so we could develop this and other “complicated” features with less pain, and they would only have to make a single exception to their firewall.
Fast forward a year and:
- They didn’t request any more “difficult” features, so the server was serving a single API
- One of our carrier’s API keys had expired and nobody noticed because they weren’t using it, and they didn’t request support for additional carriers either
- Somebody on their security team noticed the strange calls to our servers and demanded we moved the API to their infrastructure anyway
- Comment on Indian iPhone plant found 'highly hazardous' to worker health 1 year ago:
I would say better because this one can get some coverage, and employees could find other jobs. As far as the workers conditions, they’ll only do the bare minimum they can get away with anywhere
- Comment on The Xbox Series S Is More Popular Than The Xbox Series X 1 year ago:
look up the difference Sounds like too much effort
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
There is also a limit to the number of files the browser can download in parallel, so if many files have to be fetched, they have to wait until the previous downloads are finished. This slows down performance even more
- Comment on Senator Admits "Kids Online Safety Act" Will Target Trans Content Online. 1 year ago:
Watching over your children sounds like a lot of effort. Big Brother can do it for me, and they can remove some of the content I don’t like to see with those bills. I’m on their side so surely it wont affect me negatively.
- Comment on Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed 1 year ago:
It’s up to the attester to decide. Maybe it needs to run some verifications every so often. There’s nothing preventing it from refusing you attestation too, if your device is out of date, or is too old and won’t receive future updates
- Comment on Unpacking Google’s new “dangerous” Web-Environment-Integrity specification 1 year ago:
Wasn’t there a proposal to let companies vote in Delaware not too long ago? Democracy would truly only apply for the rich at that point