PostgreSQL is definitely a boost to performance, especially if you offload the DB to a dedicated server (depending on load, can even be a cluster)
Nevertheless, it probably has much to do with how it’s deployed and how many proxies are in front of it, and/or VPN. If you have large numbers of containers and small CPU/low memory hardware, and either running everything on one machine or have some other limitations, it’ll be slow.
Admittedly, I’m not very familiar with the codebase, but I feel Apache isn’t improving the speed either. Not exactly sure how PHP is nowadays with concurrency and async, but generally a microservice type architecture is nice because you can add more workers/instances wherever a bottleneck emerges. 11 months ago
Why would you compare to something so utterly different? 11 months ago
I’d argue that the primary function of Nextcloud is to serve files. Of course the other services lack other stuff, which is why I’m still using Nextcloud. But I still wish its performance was similar to pure file servers. 11 months ago
I think the file server analogy isn’t really fair. Nextcloud is better compared to Microsoft 365 or Google GSuite.
All of these offer file storage, but also much more. 11 months ago
Sure. But serving files is the core functionality of Nextcloud. You can remove every other functionality. But the files app cannot be removed.