My college sold me out. (Or got hacked or something).
They misspelled my middle name and suddenly, I got bank offers and all sorts of weird shit with that misspelling. I’m actually thankful they misspelled it because it helped me pinpoint my shitty college as the culprit.
I won’t be surprised high schools do it too. A little “oops I didn’t know” deniability and “fuck those kids” adult mentality. 1 year ago
My child’s high school sent a letter home asking for permission to share his information and transcripts with military recruiters. 1 year ago
Highschools ask for the students cellphone numbers? I’m out of touch, I graduated before everybody had a cellphone. What do they need the students numbers for? 1 year ago
The school published a book of students and parents at my school, with addresses and phone numbers for both. Privacy has been shit upon for years longer than you’d imagine.