- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
One of the biggest examples of this for me was " even if it breaks your heart". I was pretty happy hearing a pop country song with decent lyrics, to find out it was written by Will Hoge and Eli Young Band bought the rights.
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
Johnsonville certainly supports this, I’m not sure about the others. I boycotted Johnsonville for a long time because of their financial support for Walker in Wisconsin years ago.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Got it, call anything we don’t like Fascist so violence can be approved.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Reaper is Linux friendly and free for 60 days, I would give it a try. It’s free after the 60 days but will prompt you to pay. The audio interface, I’m not to sure about, I personally do not run Linux.
- Comment on Half of America Makes Less Than 35k 10 months ago:
This has been driving me crazy. I try to compare the median income in the twin cities and it always provides the median household income. Why is it so difficult to find indivual median income for regions.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
Highschools ask for the students cellphone numbers? I’m out of touch, I graduated before everybody had a cellphone. What do they need the students numbers for?
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
People are stealing a lot. Saying it harms nobody isn’t correct. In the twin cities we’ve had a Aldi, Walmart and Walgreens all close within the last year. All of them were located in areas with a majority of people being on the poorer side of things. If people bought their groceries at Walmart, now the closest place is Cub which is about 6 miles away. That can be a 30-35 minute difference if you don’t have a car and Cub is much more expensive. I’m not defending corporations but they aren’t going to stay if people are stealing too much. Look at all the companies leaving in San Francisco and Portland.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
Companies look at shrink and if the margins are too high, they will close the store. It hurts communities if the store they need to purchase food from closes. This is especially problematic in poor communities where not everybody has easy transportation.
- Comment on What game feels 'timeless' to you? 1 year ago:
Diablo 2, I love the grind and come back to it every few years.