- Comment on The toothbrush is all I've ever been able to see (Friday the 13th, NES, 1989) 5 days ago:
Thanks. And now all I can hear is “BRUSH brush ~brush brush~ FLOSS floss ~floss floss~.”
- Comment on Why is lying on the floor more entertaining than lying on a bed? 1 week ago:
My partner and I are both well into our 50s. When on land, our bed is on the floor, and we snap out of bed. We usually live on our sailboat; getting in and out of our berth is more akin to spelunking than getting out of bed.
I (think I) understand the point you’re trying to make: this shit gets harder with some age. Do I have that correctly?
I can’t emphasize this enough: take care of the hardware. Yoga, Pilates, weight training, cardio, core strength, stretching, attention to posture, etc. I have coworkers and friends 10 to 20 years younger than I with half the mobility, strength, and speed. And I have all kinds of issues from abusing my body in my youth. But some basic care keeps things usable.
If anyone’s curious, here are some good starting points for keeping your mobility or restoring physical capacity lost to age:
- “Ten Golden Exercises” by Daniel Philpot
- Mackenzie Method physical therapy — Robin Mackenzie was a serious innovator in PT; “Bob & Brad,” the YouTube channel, are Mackenzie Method therapists
- Yoga with Adrienne YT channel — she has some great starter videos for all kinds of mobility levels
- any floor method Pilates that doesn’t require machines, for example YT channel “Move with Nicole”
All that is a lot of words to say: the dreaded middle aged decline doesn’t have to be inevitable. But you do have to put in the preventative maintenance.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
This is absolutely by design. The corporate raider playbook is well-read. See: Sears, Fluke, DeWalt, Boeing, HP, Intel, Anker, any company purchased by Vista (RIP Smartsheet, we barely knew ye), and so on. Find a brand with an excellent reputation, gut it, strip mine that goodwill, abandon the husk on a golden parachute, and make sure to not be the one holding the bag.
- Submitted 4 months ago to youshouldknow@lemmy.world | 1 comment
- Comment on What can be the reasons for self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to relationships? 5 months ago:
Came looking for this comment. It’s absolutely critical to know thyself, and understanding one’s attachment style is one of the easier bits of self-knowledge.
One of the most accessible books on the topic is “Attached” by Levine and Heller. For me, that book was such an eye-opener. I read it as my second marriage was imploding, and I was grabbing at everything to try to save it. The example conversations for my and my ex’s attachment styles were uncanny. I kept getting the feeling of “were y’all in the room with us for that argument?”
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
I am also a bicyclist with three different bikes. One watch replaces three bicycle computers. I can track performance metrics, longevity of components, and service intervals… for all of my bicycles.
My watch also has functions for sailing performance metrics, kayaking, hiking, running, and lots more sports.
That’s ignoring the other watch functions: timers, find my phone (great for when the phone slips between cushions and I didn’t notice), compass, barometric trends, notification filtering…
My partner has the same watch. The longitudinal health stats from her watch was one of the key factors in getting her health complaints taken seriously. One medical facility completely, repeatedly dismissed her concerns as “nothing serious.” Turns out she had Stage-IVb cancer (now recovered).
- Comment on Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand 6 months ago:
Religion now throws a null pointer exception?
- Comment on Could an animal be taught how to throw accurately? 6 months ago:
:( indeed. This got me right in the feels.
- Comment on Could an animal be taught how to throw accurately? 6 months ago:
Ever see a toucan in person? I had an employee with a toucan he would sometimes bring into work. It could throw things, especially round fruit, with uncanny accuracy. Like it could easily play catch from at least 2m away.
Glaucous-winged gulls also seem to have uncanny accuracy with defecation, but that’s not quite throwing.
- Comment on One of my favourite games in my childhood 7 months ago:
Mashing the upvote for Shadow Tactics and Shadow Tactics:Aiko’s Choice. And agreed, their controller scheme is so spot on. Aiko’s Choice adds some deeply bittersweet context to the first game.
- Comment on The best way to keep feeling young is to remove all of your mirrors. 9 months ago:
A lot of people in the comments are lamenting their physical pains. I feel ya, y’all.
TL;DR: yoga, Pilates, McKenzie Method physical therapy.
Some background first, then a low- to zero-price solutions. My partner and I are both 52 years old. She had Stage-IVb cancer two years ago, the treatment for which left her with ongoing issues. I abused the hell out of my body starting in my early teens:
- dirt biking (crashes)
- mountain biking (crashes)
- road bicycling (been hit by cars seven times, MCL tears, cervical disc herniation)
- software engineering (sedentary, ergonomically shit offices, postural issues, cervical radiculopathy, sciatica, RSIs)
- open ocean sailor (yeah, all of it is just brutal)
Despite all of that, we are both regularly clocking PBs. She’s a competitive rower, triathlete, and mountain biker, and I’m a long distance cyclist. AND we are 90 to 99% pain-free, depending if we did our maintenance work.
Doing yoga, Pilates, and McKenzie Method physical therapy (MMPT) keeps you going at full tilt. You can start for free with yoga and Pilates, just find a zero-equipment YT channel that appeals to you. We’re partial to “Yoga with Adrienne” and “Move with Nicole.” Start slow and easy.
For the MMPT, “Bob and Brad” on YT are MMPTs. Robin McKenzie’s books are worth owning, or just check them out from the library. Memorize the exercises, and don’t stop doing them just because the pain dropped below threshold(!!!). I…uh… might have direct experience there. :D
Use or lose it, take care of the hardware and software, and all that. With a little care and maintenance, you can rock the hell out of your body for a very long time. I didn’t believe it until the first time I met a 70 year old downhill mountain biking champion. His age class starts at 55, so he was beating professional racers 15 years younger than he. He was the one who taught me about yoga, Pilates, and MMPT being the key.
If any of this blather helps even one of you just a little, it was worth the insomnia, typing-on-phone hell. :D
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
<Chicago pizza has entered the chat>
- Comment on “Disabling cyberattacks” are hitting critical US water systems, White House warns 11 months ago:
Municipal water systems are similar to electricity in that the supply must dynamically meet the demand within a small range of tolerance. Distributed monitoring of demand allows for better control of supply pressure, reducing strain on the system when demand drops and delivering enough water when everyone is taking their morning shower.
- Comment on 10 years ago, a person would be insulted for filming a video in portrait instead of landscape. Now, old landscape videos are being cropped and resized to fit in a portrait player. 11 months ago:
<Hasselblad has entered the chat>
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
My college sold me out.
I went to a state school in the early 90s. Taking a specific sequence of physics classes was the cue for Navy nuke tech recruiters. And they were aggressive. Turns out someone in the registrar’s office would search for students with that class sequence and sell the info to Navy recruiters. The person got fired, and there was a bunch of pearl-clutching. And yet military recruiters are still such a fixture of college campuses.
- Comment on Dissing car brands is console wars for boomers 1 year ago:
Can confirm: $1000USD is an ISO standard boat unit. “How much will that cost?” “Only about 20 boat units.”
Source: own and live on a sailboat.
- Comment on xkcd #2871: Definitely 1 year ago:
“If you put an A in ‘definitely,’ then you’re definitely an A-hole.” theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling
- Comment on 'Eyes Everywhere': Congress Is About to Vote to Expand Mass Surveillance of Americans, Experts Warn 1 year ago:
Holy hell, they said “older,” not “antediluvian.” 😆
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
So many tears shed in Final Fantasy X. Hell, the emotion in the cutscene of Yuna’s sending at the village hit by Sin…