- Comment on Do phone number requirements for account sign-ups effectively deter/mitigate spam? 1 year ago:
There was a service that only charged if the phone was used that day. A family member of mine would turn on their phone once a month, check messages, make a few calls, and then turn the phone off until the next month. I think they were paying about $2 a month.
- Comment on Fuse replacement guide 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure there was an honorary darwin award given to a man who used a live .22 round to put in place as a fuse in his car. The angle was apparently just right to have the bullet hit both balls.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
The school published a book of students and parents at my school, with addresses and phone numbers for both. Privacy has been shit upon for years longer than you’d imagine.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
Yep. They’ll tell you if you ask. I got a text and asked the chick, and she said the schools straight up give them the list.
- Comment on You wanna do it, trust me 1 year ago:
You’re fighting the wrong war, man! Trees don’t use bullets, they have BETTER weapons! Look out for the gimps! THE GIMPIE!
- Comment on You wanna do it, trust me 1 year ago:
What are ya talking about, brosef? That’s a great design! We’re engines of warfare, and in warfare machines, ya gotta have redundancy! More redundancy! And spread the vitals around, make sure a stray pinecone launched from a big 80 foot enemy war machine above ya doesn’t take ya out! The trees are coming!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Lol, fair. Shoot a DM if you ever want a summon sign.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Do you have any friends that play? If you do, and don’t like the way summoning works, I totally, completely recommend the seamless coop mod. It was amazing.
Dex weapons will come, don’t you worry.
- Comment on Ozzy gave THIS GUY permission, but not Ye? The hell? 1 year ago:
I’m sure the priest can teach how to close lips.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That’s strange to me. I remember, and still think of, amazon as a marketplace. I bought used books and video games as my first purchases, waaaaay back when. You would have to sort out the prices and compare them to the listed ‘condition’ of the purchase, trying to figure out whether ‘like new’ condition was worth the $3 price jump over ‘good’ condition.
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago:
The incredible imaginations that some people had kept me playing the custom games in starcraft for so much longer than the base game ever would have. I can’t believe how much time I spent in various rpgs, defenses, and the wild cat-n-mouse modes.
- Comment on From Software is "working hard on Elden Ring DLC" but still doesn't have a release date "at this time" 1 year ago:
Something makes me think this is not going to be your typical DLC. I wish they would have given the entire industry the middle finger and said something like, “This will be an expansion pack, in contrast to all the half-hour extras that piss producers push as DLC.”
Because honestly, this long of a development time for anything less than an expansion, like the old days where you get 50-100% more game, seems crazy.
- Comment on text don't call 1 year ago:
It’s not quite as mandatory as it can get. The FCC has made rumbles about actually kicking carriers off the networks if they don’t adhere to the shaken/stirred protocols, but never seems to get around to actually doing it.
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
The best explanation (ever) for a sovereign citizen is found in a legal opinion by a Canadian judge. He spends about 176 pages delineating their beliefs, origins, and manner of interacting with the legal system.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
Oh. Oh, you poor innocent soul. Sometimes I wish for the days of fancy and wonder to come back to me. You keep thinking the best thoughts!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Have you tried LibRedirect? It works for quite a bit more than just youtube. I personally love it for the fandom mirrors.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
I didn’t know donut or pho restaurants made their own dough. It probably varies by location, though. I’ve seen some donut places where the boxes of shipped ready to make product were stored where customers could see it. It blew my mind how much they had on hand in order to not run out.
- Comment on Old articles are clogging up search engines 1 year ago:
Odd. I find it to be the exact opposite. If I want a real article, with thought put into it beside how to make it pop up as #1 in the search engine, I need to set the most recent date possible as prior to 2015 (sometimes even further back).
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
It will depend on where you are. My area has a law that almost word for word says, “This law cannot be used to deny X,” where X is renewal of a driver’s license, withholding of any services, etc. It also can’t be sent to collections or be a mandatory fine from the state. The company is basically fucked.
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
Lidar is supposed to be checked like radar. You have a standardized distance and you check that the machine is exactly matching.
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
Can’t speak for most places, but in mine, that’s exactly the way it works. You can only make a certain percentage of your budget from tickets (and it’s not a large amount) before it all goes to the level double above yours.
- Comment on I'm at a roulette table. I only bet on red. When I lose I triple my bet, when I win I restart. Is this a roulette strategy? 1 year ago:
making a small profit
Right, this is what people always gloss over to just say that eventually the bet will be too big to sustain. Even if you win repeatedly, the bets you make after 3 or 4 losses are vast in comparison the amount you’ll ‘gain’ per win. For the doubling (Martingale strategy), if your bet starts at $1, and you win $2 off of that, it doesn’t matter how much you are eventually betting, you’ll only make $1 for the whole cycle.
The tripling helps for the profit angle, somewhat. I ran the numbers for total amount of times betting before a win for net win. I wish the formatting let me make tables, but oh well.
Total Times Bet(bet amount): total of bet: net winning: 1 (1) 1 1 2 (3) 4 2 3 (9) 13 5 4 (27) 40 16 5 (81) 121 41 6 (243) 364 122 7 (729) 1093 365 8 (2187) 3280 1094 9 (6561) 9841 3281 10 (19683) 29524 9842
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
Screw that much. I’ll give them 1 second per 5 minutes of video.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
Wasn’t that exactly how the adblock blocks went out in the first place? Only a few areas at a time were affected.
- Comment on Why were online subscriptions once rare, but now they are everywhere? 1 year ago:
As my boss said in one of those stupid floor meetings we always had to have, “if they have [the competitor’s] card in their wallet, and not ours, who do you think they’re going to?” God, I got sick of asking folks to sign up.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
You’d think so, but people can be downright cruel to those they think are ‘under’ them, and guess what every person working a job that can’t get them fired (so no business-to-business contacts) is to them?
I remember working in a customer facing role when I was a teen, and occasionally had to tell people the place was closed due to weather. They would accuse me of being everything under the sun and personally on a vendetta to make their lives miserable… and there was nothing I could do about it aside from calling the police if they actually started making threats.
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
I can’t answer about why you wouldn’t normally bruise, but when people drink alcohol, the skin becomes flushed. This is because one of alcohol’s effects is to open the arterioles that feed capillary beds. It’s also why it’s not a good idea to drink alcohol to warm yourself; you’ll feel warmer because your skin is flushed (the same reason why inflammation tends to feel hot), but you’ll be losing heat more quickly in contact with cold environments. Your typical bruise comes from the capillary beds being damaged, thus if you are drinking and have more blood in your capillary beds, you’ll be more likely to bruise.
You might just have pretty efficient arterioles that close off the capillary beds. You might also have very osmotic interstitial fluid, which means your cells are at the same osmolarity, and would tend to ‘suck up’ the blood that would be otherwise ‘lost’ (as in, out of place in the area it’s in) and distribute its contents.
- Comment on Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? 1 year ago:
Oh, damn. I still have that one on my wishlist.
- Comment on Derek 1 year ago:
Night shift IS easy…
as long as your job doesn’t have stupid requirements like switching back and forth between the day and night shift every other week, month, or on whatever-the-fuck that plant schedule is with 7/1/7/7/1/1 or its variations. And as long as there isn’t some stupid requirement like having to brief a day dude on something around 1100 hours when you already worked that night, and have to work that night. AND as long as you aren’t understaffed, so you get mandatory overtime in the middle of your off days, oh totally preserves your off time so you’re not working back to back but it totally fucks up your sleep schedule right in the worst time. AND AS LONG AS your bosses aren’t complete fools who can’t understand basic written sentences so they call you as you start to go into that phase IV deep sleep just so you can explain the same thing to them in spoken language…
fuck night shift.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
In America, where chic and slims are? I wouldn’t bet on it ruining anything for them.