That won’t make it through a metal detector
Comment on Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait
sj_zero 1 year ago
And just imagine, you can make a shitty gun for 20 bucks using parts from the local hardware store. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Neither will 99% of 3D printed guns. Most 3D printed guns use metal parts, and ammo will likely be detected as well. Only single shot, entirely 3D printed guns with plastic ammo has any chance. 1 year ago
99% of 3D printed guns
100% of 3D printed guns.
Barrels and chambers are quite difficult to 3D print. But springs strong enough to set off primers, cartridge casings, and bullets must be made of metal. You can get clever with all of the above, but a plastic bullet would be laughably ineffective and even if you’re going to go with electrical rather than mechanical ignition to eliminate the springs you’re going to need metal batteries, metal wires, metal switches…
It is functionally impossible to make an all-plastic firearm. You’d be better off making a Jörg Sprave style crossbow or something. 1 year ago
The Liberator is a completely 3D printed single-shot pistol that can shoot 9mm.
The Washbearis a completely 3D printed revolver.
3D printed ammo is currently in development.
They aren’t very practical, but can likely go through metal detectors. 1 year ago
MacGyver was doing it before it was cool. 1 year ago
No he wasn’t. MacGyver didn’t like guns. This trope actually carried through to SG1.
Luckily, MacGyver did like explosives.
Regardless, this bill is stupid no matter how you look at it. Speaking as a 3d printer related business in NY. I will fight this lunacy. 1 year ago
Damn you’re right. I actually forgot that. He did blow some stuff up though. 1 year ago
He was exceptionally good at blowing things up! I loved the shit out of that show.