Finding you insufferable isn’t part of my identity, it’s just a fact that you are insufferable. 1 year ago
hol up. you’re saying “being conservative” is an identity to these people like “being insufferably against anything conservative or R” ISN’T part of 90% of Lemmy Users Identity? 1 year ago 1 year ago
There is no conservatism. It’s grifting and using identity politics to keep grifting. Everyone should be insufferable against grifting. It’s a big con. You’re being conned. Their figure head would be the poster child for everything they claim to hate if he decided to be a Democrat. East coast elitist, divorced, paid a porn star for sex, insults military heroes, checks off a laundry list of warning signs of the Antichrist. It’s downright comical. 1 year ago
No, you being thought insufferable has nothing to do with identity. At least, not anyone else’s identity. People are against conservatives and Republicans because they are massive hypocrites, racists, sexists, corrupt, thieves, transphobes, homophobes, and many other descriptors I don’t feel like mentioning. 1 year ago
But but what about the other side!!!
Fuck off. 1 year ago 1 year ago
If your mom knew you were saying these things… but the poor girl worked hard last night, so I’m going to let her keep sleeping.