- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking 10 months ago:
I still have never seen whatever the newest version of xbox is called in the stores. I’ve seen PS5’s now and then, but still never even seen an xbox to buy.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
How is it not true? Damn near everyone I know that has a macbook uses it to cruise the internet and look fancy doing it.
- Comment on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform 10 months ago:
JD Power means nothing when you see streams of these throw away vehicles return day after day to the shop you work in. But I wouldn’t assume you know much about work.
- Comment on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform 10 months ago:
One instance, a rule doesn’t make.
- Comment on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform 10 months ago:
Oh drag. Less ads about a shitty car brand. darn.
- Comment on Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity. 1 year ago:
hol up. you’re saying “being conservative” is an identity to these people like “being insufferably against anything conservative or R” ISN’T part of 90% of Lemmy Users Identity?
- Comment on Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes 1 year ago:
Thank you for proving my point.
- Comment on Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes 1 year ago:
Stereotypes exist for a reason. They aren’t made up, non-existent characteristics. 90% of people that are getting offended by such things are not even part of the group that’s being stereotyped. It’s usually white liberals that are “offended” by any of this. Are they beneficial? probably not, but they sure are not nearly as harmful as people like you make them out to be. As a straight white man, I’m vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype. So I don’t put any stock into hypocritical perceived slights against humanity.
- Comment on Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes 1 year ago:
eh. i get the ‘need’ for these companies to have the disclaimers and i honestly appreciate that they are not changing anything here. but the mob is fickle and seemingly can’t distinguish real life from the online life where being offended somehow gives them clout.
- Comment on Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes 1 year ago:
This is fine, no issues really, but if you’re offended by something in a video game fictional story that was made over 20 years ago you should go touch grass.
- Comment on Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes 1 year ago:
people with an extreme moral superiority complex emboldened by the anonymity of the internet.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
I think EA makes games like this to reinforce THEIR notion that single player games are dead so they can use that as leverage to make more “games as a service”. If they made things people actually wanted to play, they’d find that single player (yes even shooter) games are still just as popular as they ever were and poorly thought out, poorly executed, and poorly marketed games still suck.
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
you’re going to shit when you find out sidewalks are next to streets.
- Comment on If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough? 1 year ago:
Well, it’s a thing called Hanlon’s Razor, so maybe look it up?
- Comment on If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough? 1 year ago:
it’s misused anyhow, just like reddit. imagine that.
- Comment on If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough? 1 year ago:
you mean like telling people how ‘you’ disregard some questions in a sub that’s supposed to be open to any and all questions because ‘you’ feel like ‘you’re’ too important to take them seriously?
- Comment on If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough? 1 year ago:
a ‘loaded’ question doesn’t have to be malicious. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
- Comment on If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough? 1 year ago:
perhaps you need a refresher… NO. STUPID. QUESTIONS.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
Thanks friend!
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
i had the same experience.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
actually READ the reviews you can usually tell which ones are legit.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
link on the figs? are they LEGIT neca figures? or just rip offs?
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
if you’re in the states try Walmart. they have a marketplace similar to what amazon does and they have a large catalog of goods.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
I canceled my prime over a year ago but previously have been a prime member since 2003. the two day shipping thing was legit for a lot of those years but has been anything BUT two day shipping for at least the last 5 years. week if you’re lucky.
- Comment on Doing the important work 1 year ago:
why? do they not have hands? what a fucking waste of research dollars.
- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
I think i’m done with Ubisoft games.
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
in the case the guy was talking about he never would have made it if they waited for and ambulance. and your “fantasy scenario” occurs more than you’d like to admit, especially in rural areas. it’s the old adage, “i’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it”
- Comment on Starbucks accused of rigging payments in app for nearly $900 million gain over 5 years by consumer watchdog group 1 year ago:
interesting, didn’t know that
- Comment on Starbucks accused of rigging payments in app for nearly $900 million gain over 5 years by consumer watchdog group 1 year ago:
This is nothing new. Why do you think damn near any place will sell you a gift card? Because even IF someone uses it, there’s almost always some left on the card, OR people spend over the amount, spending more than they would have originally. They are literally a ‘can’t lose’ for businesses.
- Comment on Starbucks accused of rigging payments in app for nearly $900 million gain over 5 years by consumer watchdog group 1 year ago:
You’re right. @slopppyEngineer is just projecting their own misconceptions. Source: was a Barista at Starbucks.