My daughter has HSP and it looks nothing like that. The dots are red for her, and bigger. I’m sure it’s possible to present differently, but man that looks so much worse.
Comment on y'all get gamer leg too? 1 year agoIt is not diabetes. There is a pro fighting game (Guilty Gear and Street Fighter) player called Marn that has HS Purpura. Is causes the blood vessels in your skin to get inflamed and bleed, and there was probably a secondary infection happening at the same time.
Whang! on YouTube has a pretty good video where he looks into this and gives more details 1 year ago 1 year ago
I know a dude who’s legs are purple from the knees down. He weighs around 400 pounds, slams sugar all the time, and doesn’t care.
I am not friends with him; his personality and lack of self care as well as caring for himself, despite having a wife, kids, and parents who love him are beyond the limits of my compassion. At some point I feel like we have to take ownership of our own lives and at least try.
Before I get swarmed with responses about depression, how hard is it, etc., he has a massive support group. Every time he gets more assistance, he accepts it and just continues as he is. 1 year ago
What’s even the point of your comment or the stance you’re taking?
“I don’t like this guy. He sucks”
Okay … and? 1 year ago
Can he walk? 1 year ago
fuck off. Seriously. 1 year ago
No, it’s full proof! Scientific papers are always saying how the type and cause of everyone’s depression is exactly the same. That’s why any primary care specialist, psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor will tell you to save your time and money on medication, therapy, diet, exercise, relationships, and self love, and to focus exclusively on eating liver. Still feel low? You’re not eating enough liver! 1 year ago
Can confirm, eating the liver of my enemies always cheers me up 1 year ago 1 year ago
I knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith. 1 year ago
What was the name of his other leg?