Speakers > Why USB instead of optical/aux?
SSD, HDD, Memory card reader > Do you use all of them every day?
Headset + microphone > Why not combine/do you use both every day?
And I mean, you already have a hub, worst case if it’s full just get a second one or one with more slots…
Mesophar@lemm.ee 1 year ago
This seems like a lot, though. Like, they are all reasonable items! But it seems more like a niche/enthusiasts situation, which would require a niche/enthusiasm solution.
Not saying it wouldn’t be nice to have more usb as standard, but most decent motherboards I’ve checked out have around 4 2.0 slots, 2-4 3.0 slots, and 0-2 C slots. Just for back panel I/O
6-ish slots seems fine for most uses