Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago
Reminds of a joke: A guy walks down the street and mumbles to himself angrily: You cook every fucking day but no one ever calls you a cook. You fix your car all the time but people never call you a mechanic. You have a small garden and grow your own food but when people see you they don’t say “Hey, farmer!”. But you rape someone once single time…
But seriously, for the same reason you don’t ban drunk drivers from driving for life or shoplifter from shopping. People have to function in society somehow, even if they did terrible things in the past. 1 year ago
No they don’t, that’s what prisons are for. 1 year ago
That kinda mentality is why america has the most people in prison per capita 1 year ago
I am fine with rehabilitating drug dealers or other non violent crimes and even some violent ones. Rapists should never see the light of day again. There’s no excuse for rape. There’s no “Oh, I didn’t no raping someone was a bad thing” to rehabilitate someone out of. To rape someone you have to be a selfish, shitty person, end of story. We don’t need people like that in society. The resources spent trying to fix them would be better focused on people who need help and have never raped anyone. 1 year ago
Just out of curiosity, what other violent crimes do get a pass for “not knowing it was wrong?”
Like do you believe that people can assault other people with weapons without knowing it was wrong? Can they beat their wives and not know it was wrong?
You seem to have a weird hangup on rape in particular in comparison to other violent crimes when it comes to “knowing it was wrong.”
I’m pretty sure the MS13 guys that butcher people know it’s wrong they just don’t give a shit. I’m sure people who use physical violence to get what they want know it’s wrong but they just don’t care.
Stupid standard, people can rationalize any crime rape ain’t special. 1 year ago
You do know one of the points of prison, besides retribution is rehabilitation, just prisoning someone does not constitute a healthy society. 1 year ago
I see you have no idea what you’re talking about 1 year ago
K 1 year ago
Prisons are supposed to be for rehabilitation. What you are talking about is penal colonies. If we had a working justice system, those who can’t be rehabilitated could get the death penalty. But right now it is cheaper to keep them in prison for life than fix the system. Since this guy is out, he served his sentence and is deemed rehabilitated. 1 year ago
Idgaf what the “justice” system says. I’m giving my opinion of how it should be. I know of child molesters in my home town who were out in 6 years and continued to be pieces of shit. The kids they raped sure as fuck weren’t over the damage they did in that time. A guy raped a member of my family and didn’t get any time at all. Rehabilitation does not work on rapists. The fact that there is a maximum sentence just goes to show that they don’t get out when they’re rehabilitated. They get out when their time is up. 1 year ago
The current system doesn’t even attempt to rehabilitate people. That’s the big problem. The current system just doesn’t work. 1 year ago
There’s a maximum sentence for drug dealers too. It’s it impossible to realize the harm that brought to the community? 1 year ago
Disgusting sentiment. 1 year ago
Lol leave it to a Lemmy troglodyte to balk at the notion that they should be imprisoned for doing horrific shit to other people.
I bet if the rape victim fought back or shot him, you’d tell her off while you’re throwing her in prison though.
Your sexism is showing and it is gross, warty and about 2.5 inches 1 year ago
I’m the troglodyte, sure. The one who DOESN’T want people imprisoned forever. You making a lot of assumptions based on the two words I said. Troll harder.