- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 5 months ago:
OP: mom, can we have a fatal crash? OP’s mom: we have fatal crash at home Fatal crash at home: idk where in going with this
- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 5 months ago:
It sounds a bit like your poor driving is the cause for you to survive so many car crashes.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Oh, as a programmer myself I’m perfectly aware of how shitty most codebases are. It’s just that the context you said this in implied that people who care about political correctness are worse programmers. Dont act like this wasn’t on purpose and hide behind “shitposting”.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
But “Main” is more clear, and putting in extra effort to basically just piss off politically (over)correct people doesn’t make any sense, and is kinda weird tbh
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Not the code, but some of your coworkers might potentially be offended.
Also good job with the ad hominem.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
That makes no sense whatsoever.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
While I agree with your assumption, I think main is less vague. Master can be interpreted several ways, including an offensive one. So while I agree with other commenter in that it’s unnecessary to go back and change things retroactively, but just setting the default branch name for new repos in your version control to main is a fair thing to ask IMO.
- Comment on Have you ever realized just how broken you are? 5 months ago:
I wanted to write pretty much what you did, but you did so perfectly already.
- Comment on The appearance of your letter spam depends on your keyboard layout. 5 months ago:
I suppose it was a human typing at first, and the dog barking because it saw a huge spider. Then during the struggle, the keyboard mashing happened, including the sending of the message. Then the spider tries to play it off.
- Comment on Is there a way where we can sign up to differnt instances and put them on one site or whatever so we can have more nich communities? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 6 months ago:
You… drank the pool water?
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 6 months ago:
Can’t really give you a reply, but I suggest you to just go to a dealership and take whatever ioniq you are most interested in for a test drive. I sometimes to that just for fun, even though I’m not even actually interested in buying one lol. tbf, I get that sometimes dealerships are quite far to go to, but having an hour or two with a car to drive around really gives you a good idea of how you like it.
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 6 months ago:
also regenerative charging causes brake pads to wear much more slowly. to the point that sometimes the rotors start to rust badly because the actual brakes get used so little.
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 6 months ago:
Yes, obviously the second comment was written by a non-US person. Nobody is trying to say otherwise.
Your original comment starts with pointing out that there isn’t just US English, and quite rudely so. Again, nobody is trying to say otherwise. The third comment was just a US person clearing up the non-US person’s conception about the usage of words in the US. So you pointing out that there are people outside of the US, who use words differently than people inside the US was entirely unnecessary. That’s what most people are taking issue with, I think.
Again, it’s kinda funny how much effort you’re putting into this. It feels a lot like you’re just trying to be correct in some way, instead of just admitting that your first comment was out of line. Welcome to my block list, and goodbye.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I have an account there but literally only used it for entering giveaways lol
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 6 months ago:
How convenient to leave out the third comment, the one you replied to.
The second comment was not just “higlighting a difference in US English versus English elsewhere”, it was claiming that US English calls jam jelly, and the third one corrected that claim.
Of course there are other English speaking countries besides the US, but the third comment was absolutely justified in correcting what the second comment claimed. It’s not like there was some person from the US who said that all English is like that, making your comment pretty unnecessary.
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 6 months ago:
Its kinda funny how much effort you put into this comment, despite the context explicitly being about US English
- Comment on I don't have AC but my apartment lease covers unlimited water usage and the water is very cold. How can I best use this to cool my home? 6 months ago:
Dry air will allow more sweat to evaporate, providing the cooling effect right on your skin instead of in the air you blast at yourself. It’s basically the better swamp cooler.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
That’s kinda the exact opposite. Not many people want to use small instances, so not many people are interested in fixing something like that. However, let’s say becomes unusable because of too much cross-server communication. That would cause inconvenience to way more people, increasing the likelihood that someone will do the work to fix it.
- Comment on Is really possible to understand the magnitude of ones own brain? 7 months ago:
I don’t think brains get more complex because of additional information.
Also, what I’m not sure you mean with having “enough capacity to reflect ourselves by processing everything”? Do you mean processing every time a neuron fires, and which neurons get what kind of stimulus from it? Or do you mean looking at all molecules/atoms/fundamental particles and considering their state and following reaction?
I think we should be capable of understanding the concepts that make our brains work eventually. But I don’t think we have the capacity to monitor everything another brain is doing and understand/interpret it in real time. A computer might be able to at some point, when we understand more about neurology.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Idk, I didn’t like it. Might just be the people around here who use it tho. The way the 16 personalities test thingy is ingrained there also kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I’m sure if we reach that point, someone will add a method for batching cross-server communication. That’s the beauty of FOSS
- Comment on Have you ever had a phone call interrupted by a 3rd party voice saying "this call is being recorded"? 7 months ago:
That’s pretty creepy. I had computer voices asking Mr whether I agree to being recorded for training purposes when calling customer support and the likes. But never during a private call.
Maybe contact/write to your provider or something?
- Comment on Are Tetra Paks actually recyclable? 7 months ago:
In places where glass is reused, it’s definitely the best option. It’s heavier so it has a higher co2 output during transport but glass bottles can be reused up to 50 times, saving co2 in the long run.
But I have to concede, in america aluminum is probably the best option.
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 8 months ago:
Because not using windows or MacOS makes you a hipster in the eyes of many people
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 8 months ago:
I mean I’m aware that this isn’t like western dating but it’s still not an arranged marriage. Saying that this is an arranged marriage is like having your parents pick out a hairdresser and calling it a haircut.
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 8 months ago:
Yes you did, and when you said that, you implied that “arranged marriage” could also mean getting help with dating. You never mentioned dating explicitly, but how else do you think your original comment should be interpreted?
You’re getting personal now, which is a telltale sign for someone who has no arguments for the point they are trying to make.
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 8 months ago:
so no argument as to why it would actually be an arrange marriage, despite the described scenario not necessarily ending in a marriage?
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 8 months ago:
But then it’s still just arranged dating at best. Maybe the parents look for someone who is interested in entering a marriage in the first place, but that doesn’t make it an arranged marriage IMO.
- Comment on I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality? 8 months ago:
Reminds me of what happened on a bridge across the Chicago river in 2004