My dad got the “cave canem” dog mosaic as a coaster when he visited Pompeii. He also put a “cave canem” sign above the dog house, which made most of the people walking by think his name was Cave.
People don’t know much Latin even in college towns.
Comment on Guard of the Awwderworld 10 months agoThank you, you made my brain go down a rabbithole.
My dad got the “cave canem” dog mosaic as a coaster when he visited Pompeii. He also put a “cave canem” sign above the dog house, which made most of the people walking by think his name was Cave.
People don’t know much Latin even in college towns. 10 months ago
:O Thanks so much for the link! I was only remembering Beowulf’s dog which (IIRC) was only ever referred to as a war-dog.