- Comment on Are there bots on mastodon that act like humans 1 week ago:
I’m sorry, when I made this account there were basically no other instances, and now I don’t want to move and lose the early adopter bragging rights
- Submitted 1 week ago to foss_gaming@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Submitted 1 week ago to fediverse@lemmy.world | 10 comments
- Comment on Fedi-plays live stream 1 week ago:
I unstuck him - I think the script sometimes gets caught up on one command (e.g. “right” in that case) - and it seems providing the same command again helps the script to get unstuck (just giving another single “right” command).
- Comment on Does AI detect breast cancer better than doctors can? 2 weeks ago:
Definitely, here’s hoping the accountability question will prevent that, but the incentive is there, especially in systems with for-profit healthcare.
- Comment on Does AI detect breast cancer better than doctors can? 2 weeks ago:
Even if it were to do pattern recognition as well as or slightly worse than a human, it’s still worthwhile. As the article points out: It’s basically a non-tiring, always-ready second opinion. That alone helps a lot.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to fediverse@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to fediverse@lemmy.world | 2 comments
- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 4 weeks ago:
Oh :D
Well, you are doing a great job, and I like what I have seen so far! Keep up the good work!
- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 4 weeks ago:
I just rejoined PeerTube after I had a quick look years ago, and it’s gotten way better since then, actually. I found out Space Quest Historian is on it, too!
But yeah, discoverability isn’t good. Lack of an algorithm also makes bingewatching impossible - for better and worse, I guess.
As you linked them, I’d also recommend peertube.wtf - they even reacted very quickly when I reported a transphobic german conspiracy channel/server.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
My great-grandpa actually had to hide from the Gestapo during those years, and my great-great-uncle died in a Nazi prison, so I have some family bragging rights I guess.
Those bragging rights unfortunately don’t feel nearly as good, when I realise I might end up in the same situation with how things are going…
- Comment on The Linux version of the "sonic.exe" creepypasta would just be called "sonic" 4 weeks ago:
For the games I did before I had to do a life restructuring and put that stuff on hiatus, I always went with something.x86_64 - I have no idea when and where I got that idea, but I know I copied that format from somewhere.
- Comment on 30 active communities which are not politics, news, memes or tech 4 weeks ago:
If you are German-speaking, your main instance of interest for communities will probably be feddit.org with the main community being !dach@feddit.org (and inofficially !ich_iel@feddit.org) - check it out if you haven’t yet
- Comment on Framework ships RISC-V board for its 13" laptops along with "boardless" laptop chassis. 4 weeks ago:
Nice to see! Baby steps and all that. Getting RISC-V to a consumer-level state is still a pretty gargantuan task that has a lot of catch-up to do, but it’s walking along its path steadily.
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 2 months ago:
Treat my answer as what it is - hearsay - but the way I remember reading about it being explained, there is indeed sign-language poetry, and gestures having similar or complimentary movements were considered rhyming, which I guess also makes intuitive sense.
- Comment on shark trash 4 months ago:
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Which I would classify as pretty weird, but not really unethical. Besides, I think the comparison doesn’t fully work - it’s more like, growing a lump on your body somewhere, having it removed, and saying “hey, can I eat that?”. Which I would also classify as weird, but not unethical.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The Sims 4 just got surprise incest, and it's not even the first time 7 months ago:
Just another case of a small, unknown competitor trying to gain market share with the supreme life simulator sandbox CK3, smh frfr
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
Yeah, I never understood it either. Either have an open relationship with consent, or communicate whatever needs you have that you want to fulfill by cheating properly, and accept that it may not work out if there is truly no way to meet them. I guess I can at least abstractly understand when it happens spur-of-the moment and under the influence of drugs/alcohol, but I still can’t properly put myself in those shoes.
- Comment on SearNGX should be a federated search engine 7 months ago:
I ran an instance for a while out of curiosity a few years back - building the database seemed to work fine and appeared like a good idea, had a lot of fun to see the connections with other servers and my crawler filling holes of unknown spaces. But I think the search algorithm itself was (most likely is) not sophisticated enough, it just did not give relevant results often enough, and it was extremely vulnerable to very simple SEO tactics to push trash to the top.
- Comment on Hes alive so this meme is OK right? 7 months ago:
That’s why you aim for the torso, center of mass, smh, frfr
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
So, take this point of view as what it is: a view on the situation from an outsider, I am not American, I am a German communist. While I do probably look more closely at American politics than most likely the average American simply from being interested in politics to a pathological degree, I might not have the full picture of an American who is also as interested in politics.
I think in this particular moment, as much as the Democrats do their best to antagonise you, as much as you are correct that someone like Biden will continue with the same status quo bullshit that created the situation to begin with, as much as he won’t be helping the people suffering from (neo)-colonialism in a meaningful way overseas - I don’t think that this particular election is the time to vote third party. The chance may come, and best then to do it not as individuals based on your personal conscience, but as an organised group, with concrete messaging communicated. And even in other elections and outside this vote, organising for a third party - while I personally don’t have a lot of hope for electoral politics - is certainly better than investing energy into the Democratic party, whose supporters seem to have no problems spewing hatred towards you for not agreeing with their party line and view of reality.
But I think underestimating Trump could be genuinely dangerous. Not because he will “ruin America” or anything like that. Simply, because he will be in a position to dial up repression, potentially leaving you with a situation in 2-4 years, where the party you voted for has to move underground, either having gotten outlawed or further marginalised and infiltrated. The situation looks critical enough to me, that under a Trump presidency, unions and leftist orgs will face open persecution much more than under someone like Biden - who is admittedly bad enough. Persecution up to outright criminalising them, to encouraging right-wing militias to kill their members with a slap on the wrist as a consequence or no legal repercussions at all. Yes, I do think that is unfortinately a realisitic possibility. And at this point, I don’t think leftist orgs in the US have the resilience yet to efficiently organise in the underground.
That being said, I won’t tell you a vitriolic “you will be at fault” if you choose to vote and organise as you want to. I do also see advantages, like getting visibility for your issues and potentially by reaching certain threshholds getting public funding support and the likes (that exists in the US too, right?). But I’d still advise it in this election - as shitty and cynical as it is - to vote for the old fart that doesn’t swing the whip of the state as hard on your back as the one that might outright strangle you with it. Getting a proper communist, grassroots organisation running in the United States is important for the whole world, and I fear it will be impossible, or at least much, much harder under Trump (mostly, again, because there are no proper structures in place to move into illegality and organising underground, from everything I can tell.)
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Outside of voting, you have options. I’m not American, but I’d advise any communists to vote Biden simply because the repression under Trump could get really ugly, hindering any proper organisation. Just view it as what I think it also actually is: A cynical, pragmatic move to save you and other working people from more open repression, nothing more.
But before and after voting: Put your energy into unions like the IWW, into neighbourhood organisations for mutual aid, into community defense like the SRA or Redneck Revolt, into antifascist organisation, into refining your own position and presenting it to others. Create networks and connections. All preventing Trump is doing is buying time for now to do exactly that. Things will only get worse in the decades ahead, with no end in sight for the climate catastrophe and further decay of capitalism - and laying the groundwork of actually being able to do something is critically important right now, in my opinion.
Of course everyone is in the end their own master when it comes to decisions like this. Just - remember that by not voting in this specific election you also aren’t changing anything. And while I fully understand the desire to organise for a third party, they have been marginalised effectively, at least I personally don’t think electoral politics will bring any relevant changes, one way or the other. They are just about who carries the whip used against you, and in this case if the are openly and harshly, or covertly and less efficiently using it.
That all being said - I think a few people here overestimate the amount of tankies and communists that won’t vote Biden. The group is marginal in the big scheme of things. If Biden loses, you can be certain, they were not responsible, they are most likely less than 1% of voters. Personally, I’d blame the corporate core of the Democratic party and middle class liberals for being out of touch with reality.
- Comment on Just $99? 8 months ago:
Isn’t this one really obvious? They are selling toupées for your butt and accidentally added a “W”. Not confusing in the slightest, really.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Too late, I watched it all. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been so sad.
- Comment on Rolls a Nat 20 8 months ago:
Fucking cognitohazards in this subreddit, and I lost the game too, great.
- Comment on Lol. Lmao, even. 8 months ago:
Oh, this brought me back when I was in a psychiatric clinic as a teenager and I reacted like that to something, and this one girl with borderline was just about ready to kill me…
- Comment on Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms 8 months ago:
“If the RIAA sued hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”
- Comment on Lol. Lmao, even. 8 months ago:
We must imagine Sisyphus in therapy
- Comment on Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI' 8 months ago:
You’ve got a great point there, actually