Nah but I can’t get my legs to fit properly on any bus nor plane and I’m not even really tall (around 6ft I guess)
Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago
Hay tall guys, my partner (5’4) and I (5’6) can comfortably fit in a Mazda Miata, can you? 1 year ago 1 year ago
I fucking love that 5’8 life, the world is built for me. I can reach every top shelf but nobody ever asks me to get them something from up there. I fit in every plane or car or train seat. Being average height (in my country at least) is amazing. 1 year ago
I (6’5") actually sold my NA a couple of months ago. I could just fit in it and my knees were at 4:00 and 8:00 next to the wheel (not touching it at least). The only reason I sold it is because it wasn’t my daily driver and money has gotten very tight. So glad I learned to drive manual with it and then enjoy it for a few more years.
I miss it dearly :(
Oh also it was definitely a death trap for someone of my height. That roll bar would not have saved me. 1 year ago
Coworker of mine was about your height. Whenever we traveled I would mess with the seat arrangement so I would get aisle and he would get center and he would ask me to switch. Eventually he figured out I was doing on purpose and he didn’t let me book seats for him anymore. 1 year ago
We oughta put you in Tall Jail for your crimes! You should have at least given him the window seat so he could enjoy the view haha