If he checked before he committed, it would devalue the bit if anyone noticed! Its infinitely funnier to turn around like you were caught with a hand in the cookie jar lol
Comment on 7 day cleanse or pregnancy cravings
spizzat2@lemm.ee 1 year ago
I had a friend in high school. We were at a gas station, and he went in to get some additive to put in his tank. On the way back to his car he unscrewed the cap, and took a big swig. The bottle still had the foil cap, so he wasn’t actually drinking anything; he just did it for the reaction. The thing was, he didn’t actually check if anyone was watching.
Sometimes people are just weird…
occhionaut@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Sagifurius@lemm.ee 1 year ago
Checking to see ruins the act
LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Well you obviously saw him do it, so he must’ve known in his peripheral vision that you were watching. That’s all the thrill he needed.