- Comment on Trump tariffs threaten the future of physical video games, analyst warns 4 days ago:
I realized a while ago that it’s not actually the physical media I care about. It’s the unfettered access. Physical media is just the easiest way to achieve that. I still buy from steam and pay for streaming, but I recognize that those could be taken away at any time. I want to feel like I actually own something. I buy digital music because I get a DRM-free file. I buy from GOG because I get an installer that I can store locally for as long as I want to.
When it comes to movies? I have to buy the disc because (almost?) no one offers a DRM-free video file that I can store locally and play whenever or however I want.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
I understand the appeal of this, but it’s definitely not healthy or helpful. I have to assume that most of these “swindled” people were low-information voters. Generally, people have more important things to do than keep track of what their representatives are doing. I assume they saw nothing more than, “democrats are in charge, and inflation is a huge issue.”, and conservative news was happy to play up that angle without discussing why inflation is a problem. The democrats’ message of “it’s not as bad as you think it is/look at how much we’ve accomplished/we’re still fixing it” wasn’t very cohesive and didn’t really resound with people, either.
I don’t know what the appropriate response is. Empathy is hard. You don’t have to forgive them for electing a fascist, wanna-be dictator, but you do have to give them “an out”. No one likes to eat crow, so if they can’t find a way to save face, they’re just going to double down, no matter how much it hurts everyone. So far, “how was I supposed to know?” is the closest thing I’ve seen to a way to avoid embarrassment, so I think we’re going to have to let them have that one.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Understand that this is not a rebuttal. You are using the paradox of intolerance to try to justify your position.
Yes, as someone pointed out, the purity tests and echo chambers can be a problem, but when you’re up against a world-wide rise in fascism, saying “we absolutely must fix this problem first” is too close to saying “I’m ok with some fascism, as long as my feelings aren’t hurt.”
- Comment on French video game developers stage first industry-wide strike 2 weeks ago:
Ok. I bought the bundle, but I haven’t heard of any of the games. Are there any that are a “must play”, or do I just add them to the backlog?
- Comment on Building DIY Heaters for $7 to Keep Unhoused People Warm 2 months ago:
It might help if you explained why you think that is the preferred term. I’m admittedly ignorant on the subject, but I don’t see a problem with OP’s wording.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
but be against assisted suicide
No free hand outs! You gotta work for your death!
- Comment on Day 39 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Fallout 76) 6 months ago:
More like SkiBilly Bass
- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
Not the person you responded to, but I had mine set up. I had the software installed, I (thought) I even had the bed leveled, but every print either failed to stick to the plate, or eventually stuck to the nozzle. I ended up with a lot of spaghetti. I got frustrated and decided to take a break. I’d come back to it fesh, and see what I could do.
… That was three years ago.
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
- Comment on Samsung mocks Apple’s crushing iPad Pro ad with its own ‘UnCrush’ pitch 9 months ago:
You can still get a USB-C dongle that supports charging and audio at the same time. It sucks that they make you do it, but I’m glad it’s still an option.
- Comment on Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident | TechCrunch 10 months ago:
Not just physical mail. The letter had to have the serial numbers of all devices associated with your account.
Sure, let me go digging behind my TV with all of my free time so that I can give you information you already have, dicks.
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Prostate 11 months ago:
You were so close! The correct answers are “Ooooohhh and I’m sorry”.
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
TL;DW: The Nissan privacy policy
statesstated that they can collect and store information about your secual activity for some reason.Note: the page seems to have been updated to remove that wording, but you can see it archived on the Way Back Machine from when the video was released.
- Comment on Something's wrong 1 year ago:
Think, Duke, think!
- Comment on 7 day cleanse or pregnancy cravings 1 year ago:
I had a friend in high school. We were at a gas station, and he went in to get some additive to put in his tank. On the way back to his car he unscrewed the cap, and took a big swig. The bottle still had the foil cap, so he wasn’t actually drinking anything; he just did it for the reaction. The thing was, he didn’t actually check if anyone was watching.
Sometimes people are just weird…
- Comment on FCC to declare AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under existing law 1 year ago:
Thanks for that…
- Comment on Mothers know that this is a wholesome combination. 1 year ago:
- Comment on HP CEO: You're 'bad investment' if you don't buy HP supplies 1 year ago:
That’s interesting! Til, thanks!
- Comment on How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously. 1 year ago:
The 3rd party N64 controller that your friend has to use.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Everyone I date, next person they date they marry
… Is that you, Chuck?
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
you have a better experience for half the price or less.
And there are no downsides!
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
When I went to college, I remember hearing “Don’t Stop Believin’”, and thinking that it sounded really familiar.
Eventually, I remembered that I had played a lot of the Atari game “Journey Escape” when I was younger, and that wasn’t just a weird name for a game. 🤯