Some potential solutions: Governments could decide corporations must have actual named people in charge, ID by say passports or drivers licenses validated in person at an office to be issued an LLC or whatever.
I think the forced “this person is ultimately to be held accountable” would help a lot.
They can break it up if they want, based on company size in that country. Have responsible persons for departments and so on. But only in addition to the one at the top, so now they are jointly held accountable, each 50%, basically.
These people as you say need to be verified with ID and all, and on top of that need to have their finances registered as, like I said, they’re responsible. If the company fucked it up, they fucked it up. 1 year ago
No, but capitalism is literally the only system built around rewarding greed, avarice, and shadyness. It literally incentivizes those things, sorry. 1 year ago
That might be your framing of capitalism, but I’d argue it’s one that takes into account the reality of greed and tries to harness it to run the system.
Government actors - kind of what I think of as a common alternative to capitalism - also act shady and like to hide who they are for many reasons not related to money but instead to power. They have just as much incentive, driven by a potentially similar base human desire, that are orthogonal at best to capitalism if not it’s opposite. I suppose you can argue that non capitalist governments, or governments in non capitalist or capitalist societies do not have shady politicians, but that seems like a very difficult argument to make. 1 year ago
Of course I’m not saying greed and shadyness don’t exist elsewhere, but that’s ostensibly the purpose of governance is to try to create a system where that isn’t happening, as much as you can try.
And if you really want to ignore how out of control the greed has gotten because of that, you do you, man. We’re literally at a point where every major corporation has already fully captured the market, so to make any new lines of profit they’re just finding ways to squeeze pennies out of consumers instead offering anything compelling. It’s just nickel and diming us to death.
So yeah, it worked out fucking shitty and my framing is exactly because of the lived reality of fucking millions. Please stop acting like our lived reality is just a “framing.”
No, it’s the suffering we suffer under it every day, motherfucker. 1 year ago
Yes, capitalism is shitty. I will not say it’s a good system, just that it seems to be the least bad a large scale society has managed to implement. Large attempts to explicitly be anti-capitalist didn’t work out better than current day late stage capitalism by any metric I’m aware of.
But all of that is irrelevant to the main point that saying there cannot be scammers because capitalism inherently makes all participants scammers is just incorrect.