Idk…telling lies to potential customers that you know to be bullshit to get money from them based on promises you know you’ll never deliver sure sounds like a scam artist to me:
(From the article)
Molyneux talked in interviews about the pressure to overpromise in order to secure funding, telling Tech Radar that “the behaviour is incredibly destructive, which is ‘Christ, we’ve only got 10 days to go and we’ve got to make £100,000, for fuck’s sake, lets just say anything’.” 1 year ago
If your game has been in Alpha since 2015. And there are basically no updates since that time, then yeah you’re a scam artist. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he kept doing it for nearly a decade, there’s no defense for that.
Also plenty of other software developers manage not to do what he does so it’s obviously not actually that hard 1 year ago
Yeah at least going by what’s reported in this article, Peter seems pretty neck deep in the scamming. If it’s not intentional the most charitable interpretation i can think of is he’s gone senile and someone else is using his name to run the scams: 1 year ago
Kind of makes you wonder who was doing all the work for him before.