It’s an infestation of unconnected dots that could hide countless incidents of corruption. Were we to connect them all and compute the sum of adjustments, the discrepancy could be smaller or greater, exponentially.
The problem is our government favors the DoD like a prodigal son and is not eager to facilitate an audit that might reveal trillions in corruption. It already doesn’t like the published records of trullions in bad investments while leaving our troopers with insufficient armor and a DVA that leaves IED victims to the streets and the elements.
So until I see otherwise, I’m going to assume that’s trillions going to defense contractor lobbyist junkets and bribes. 1 year ago
I remember reports of literal pallets of cash going missing during desert storm 1 year ago
“missing” 1 year ago
Yeah that money came from Iraqi oil sales. And seems to have likely gone to (mostly) Iraqi contractors and Iraq government. It was literally their money going back to them. The accounting was not well documented. But once again, the money isn’t missing. And it definitely wasn’t money collected by the IRS from taxpayers.