- Comment on Leaked SpaceX documents show company forbids employees to sell stock if it deems they've misbehaved 11 months ago:
Eh, a quick Google search said that Tesla wasn’t profitable for 17 years and survived due to government subsidies and investor funding. After that they’ve been making ~$15 billion per year and sold around 1.3 million cars worldwide per year.
In contrast Toyota sold 10.3 million vehicles and made $61 billion in profit.
As with their 17 years of unprofitable business they are currently more proportionally profitable, but a big portion of that is Musk fanboys and limited supply. If they actually started selling more cars they probably wouldn’t be as proportionally profitable.
Additionally, Tesla is supposedly becoming less profitable due to several factors including not making a new model in 10 years, reports that they fraudulently marketed features (being sneaky with how range is calculated so that the true range is way less than advertised), and Elon’s antics hurting sales. Elon’s antics are a big deal, some people who wanted Teslas before don’t want them anymore because they don’t want to be associated with him (like flying a Gadsden Flag in the mid 2000s vs now).
Elon’s antics don’t stop there, he’s also hurt the investor’s opinion as well. A big reason Tesla’s stock was so high is because people were buying them and not selling them. This caused their price to stay super high, but when Elon bought Twitter he sold a ton of stock. The price was at an all time high over $400 per share, his selling cratered it to ~$115, and is currently around $165. Investors don’t like it when the owner of a company single handedly tanks their investment so the owner can make a bad investment, even more so when the writing on the wall says he’ll sell even more of the stock to fund the bad investment.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
So what if they didn’t use a proper ERV setup?
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Yeah, being able to open the window just slightly from a different angle doesn’t seem like that useful of a feature. Also in the US we mostly have a different style of window (see below).
It’s rare that I want to open a window, but only slightly open it. Normally it’s all the way open and I probably put box fan in the window to pull air through.
You’re correct that many houses these days are built too air tight, but for older houses that were built before AC the house was often designed so that you could open windows on different sides of the house to create a cross breeze. So for example, you could open up windows on the East and West side in the morning and the temperature difference should create a convection breeze through the house.
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
It’s not a set number for the US either, we have Family Medical Leave (FMLA). When they say you have sick days it’s referring to paid sick leave by your job. If you’re sick you can be out for sick leave for quite a long time and the jobs can’t do anything against you, they just don’t have to pay you. If you’re so sick that you’re on FMLA for a long time you’ll probably qualify for Short Term Disability which you might also supplement with Short Term disability insurance.
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
It’s only common for government jobs and isn’t universal there either. Many government jobs in the US receive multiple different types of leave concurrently. So for example you might accrue 12 hrs of vacation leave per month, 8 hrs of sick leave, and have a floating holiday of 8 hrs per year. If you reach a certain cap (say 100 hrs) the vacation leave rolls over into sick leave.
If you quit your job they have to pay out the vacation leave but not sick leave.
The result is that many government employees, with long careers, historically have tons of sick leave they aren’t using (as in several hundred hours). When someone has a life event it’s not uncommon for coworkers to donate some of their leave to the person (think having a baby or a cancer diagnosis).
You can of course take more leave then you have sick days with FMLA, but they will be unpaid. Sick leave that you have when you become eligible for pension retirement typically can apply to your retirement (potentially allowing you to retire earlier), but you still have to qualify for retirement first.
If you’re 3 years from retiring and you can’t qualify for early retirement with your leave, then you might have hundreds of hours you’re not going to be able to use.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
I like the customer service and overall quality of the place, I’ve never seen a bad store. I’m not crazy about their chicken (Popeyes is better imo), it’s not the best but you’ll never roll the dice on whether you got what you ordered or if there is a problem. Also, from what I hear, they pay very competitively and take care of their employees (could be wrong).
I haven’t deliberately eaten there in years (occasionally I’ll have it if it’s catered or if everyone else wants to go), because they have really terrible politics and support things I disagree with.
Also, the place has a vibe I hate, like preppy kids mixed with a church function. It just feels fake, the smiles, the “my pleasure”, etc. it feels so fake it’s unsettling to me. I like Popeyes because while I have to check my order to make sure it’s ok, the person behind the counter is a normal person not a plastic cutout.
- Comment on Different social class different rules 1 year ago:
A big part of it is reporting requirements, despite what some people think different portions of the government have different requirements. The reason a person gets inquiries about Venmo payments is because the IRS requires corporations to report that information to them and it’s a mainly automated process.
Regulatory reporting requirements of Corporations to the IRA can’t be copy pasted onto Pentagon spending reconciliation.
A better comparison, that is still not accurate, would be a cash business that has to report income to the IRS and has trouble getting granular details organized.
Complaints about transparency and accountability on the Pentagon budget are a valid complaint, but this is a poor example.
- Comment on Is this instance abandoned? 1 year ago:
I don’t know about abandoned, but I joined it during the migration and mainly just for a home for my account. I rarely see much content on this instance, but that’s also kind of okay.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
You are absolutely correct, but it still requires making calls, coordinating with a handyman, being available when they come by, etc. It’s the same logic for why some landlords hire property managers. If being a landlord is so easy you’d think they wouldn’t need to hire someone to specifically manage their properties.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
While it’s true that it would be better for them in the long term, it’s also true that some people prefer convenience.
I have a coworker that pays the power company extra each month so that if her water heater does they’ll replace it for her. Why the fuck does the power company offer this service and by the time shee needs one she will have more than paid for one.
Lots of people don’t change their own oil in their cars, it’s easy and cheaper, but people don’t want to do it.
Coffee… that’s all I’m gonna say on that topic.
Renting is a service some people want, just like some people want to live in an HOA.
More people would probably buy a house if they could just pay the mortgage, similar to a rent to own setup, but that’s not an option available to most people.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
Until I joined Lemmy I would have agreed with you
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
It’s as real as Kids requesting litter boxes in school because they identify as a furry, it’s just meme BS that a specific political group has latched on to and bitch about. It’s definitely not real.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
If you’re on desktop and open several videos at once (such as getting home from work/school and opening all the new videos on your subscriptions tab) you really don’t notice.
What I do notice are the ads at the beginning, quarters, middle, and end of a video
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Breakfast for dinner is also super common in the USA, sometimes called Brinner.
Ironically Breakfast for dinner is the kind of breakfast that most people don’t have for breakfast most of the time (pancakes, french toast, fried or scrambled eggs, assorted meats, etc) so having it as dinner occasionally is actually more fitting in some ways.
Most Americans eat the equivalent of cereal and coffee or no breakfast and just coffee most days. I myself almost never have breakfast. It’s sort of like a full English in the UK, most people aren’t eating that everyday.
- Comment on Microsoft won’t let you close OneDrive on Windows until you explain yourself 1 year ago:
I have Windows 10, so things may be different for 11 or whatever version you’re on, but can’t you just uninstall OneDrive without specifically closing it? I feel like that’s what I did when it was default installed.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Weird, you’d think that Google would give them more options than that and allow them to tailor their ads to their audience. I guess this is how google puts forth the minimum effort for the maximum profit. Thanks for the insight.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’d really like to know what the level of input creators have over the ads that appear in their videos is. It feels like some videos are just whatever Google throws out there while some videos seem to have no ads and finally some seem to have very limited ads.
Is there some sort of dial that the creator has behind the scenes that determines how shitty the ads for their video are?
Ads on YouTube used to not be so bad, a 5 second ad that was so unintrusive that I’d just let it play, a 15 second with a 3 second skip, and it also didn’t feel like the same quantity of ads.
Before an ad would roll at the beginning of the video and I’d likely quickly skip it. If the video was fairly long there might be an extra ad in the middle. Sometimes the creator might also have an embedded ad, but I generally don’t mind those.
Now it’s a double 15 second ad at the beginning, only the first one is skippable. Then there is another double ad every 15 minutes, plus the embedded creator ad, and if you make it to the end of the video there is an end of video double ad before it auto plays to the start of the next video and next set of double ads.
Make the ads short and unintrusive or make them long, skippable, but rare. I hate having to constantly tab out to go click the skip button every few minutes.
When the YouTube ad locker ban started I was on chrome with uBlock and it seemed to be refreshing the block even with uBlock. I thought to myself, “Hey let’s try it with the ads, I’ll whitelist YouTube and support the content creators.” After about 3 days I said fuck it, dropped Chrome and updated uBlock again; I haven’t seen an ad since.
- Comment on YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge 1 year ago:
Big thing that helps is switching off of Chrome. I’ve been seeing a lot of people say that we should stop using Chrome and I just hadn’t gotten around to it. Once the YouTube adblocker started picking up Ublock Origin even after clearing the cache I hard switched to Fire Fox and installed Ublock Origin.
I have not cleared my cache once and I haven’t seen a single ad.
- Comment on For some reason, I'm doubtful. 1 year ago:
What do you mean, this bad boy is probably powering a semi-critical government system somewhere, definitely not obsolete.
- Comment on Outrage after Greta Thunberg arrested at London oil summit protest 1 year ago:
They’re outraged because she was arrested, not because she was there.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
Ewww, hope that was a joke
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
No, that’s not a thing
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
Well yes… that’s what I have done, the problem is the other 99% of the customer base who continues to be stupid. It’s like when people say “stop preordering games” before the release of the next AAA game, but then it has record preorder sales and hundreds of complaints about it being an unfinished piece of crap. The customer base at large is too stupid to stop feeding the problem.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
I think the bigger gripe is less that there are subscriptions and more that they have gotten out of hand. Over time products that weren’t subscription based have become so to the detriment of the product and user experience.
Some examples: Netflix used to have a wide variety of backlog material, they had a cheap subscription and replaced the video rental stores. As streaming and subscriptions became more of a thing businesses stopped allowing that content on Netflix because they wanted to do it themselves. Now you need 2-3 subscriptions for the same benefit that old Netflix had. I dropped all mine except for Amazon, I don’t want 3 streaming subscriptions.
Ubisoft and many other game companies decided to take their content off of Steam because they felt they weren’t getting enough from Valve. They split off and made their own equivalents, but the benefit of Steam is not having multiple launchers. I’d rather not play a game than have to have their brand specific launcher & account.
I don’t have a “right” to free content, but i still feel that the direction of the market has made the content and consumption of said content worse.
- Comment on Monitor Alignment Alignment Chart 1 year ago:
It’s not how I would want to be all the time, but Chaotic Neutral is really great for reviewing documents in a PDF.
- Comment on Elon Musk Stormed Into the Tesla Office Furious That Autopilot Tried to Kill Him 1 year ago:
I wish people would talk about this, but Elon really isn’t that smart and he certainly isn’t a genius. I learned a long time ago that smart is relative and really shouldn’t be foisted onto people. People used to say I was smart in school and I thought I was, then I went to college and met really smart people. Elon has a BA in Physics from a school known for business degrees. He also got a BS in Business, but UPenn and Wharton are known more for how hard it is to get in than how hard the classes are.
The website CollegeVine says UPenn is known as the “Social Ivy” and “UPenn’s admissions is highly-selective, but students applying to the UPenn College of Arts & Science (CAS) will find it less academically competitive than schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford (although exceptional academics are still a must).”
By the way, he started college in 1990, transfered to UPenn in 1992, and states he graduated in 1995, but UPenn refutes that saying he graduated in 1997. This is a school where 96% of those who are accepted graduate within 150% of the degree time (4 year degree within 6 years) (…/graduation/).
Musk of course says he completed the courses in 1995, but there was some sort of mixup with an English and History credit that delayed the degree by 2 years.
- Comment on What us causing this to happen to my tomatoes? 1 year ago:
Not really contributing much with this, but I agree with your assessment. From what I understand you should also remove any dead blooms that didn’t just fall off as well.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but blossom end rot doesn’t ruin the whole fruit, but just makes it undesirable.