It also does that with other unrecognised user agents.
Personally I don’t understand why someone would still use Google when duckduckgo has more features and is just as good for searching and in the very rare case it isn’t you can easily switch back temporarily by just adding the prefix “!g” to your query. 1 year ago
Hell net neutrality laws might even have relevance if they keep this up. 1 year ago
Sorry, I’m all for net neutrality, but behavior based on browser usage, while dickish, has nothing to do with it. 1 year ago
yes it does, net neutrality not only has to do with the ISP but also the services. different useragent string should NOT lead to a worse quality of service. 1 year ago
Right, but your service provider has nothing to do with that difference. The fact that the entity you’re contacting on the other end of the connection is providing a degraded experience isn’t an internet service delivery problem.
Your internet service, which is what net neutrality is concerned with, is distinct from services on the internet. In the same way that your phone service has nothing to do with the quality of service you get from HP’s telephone support line. 1 year ago
Got any source on that? I’m legitimately asking to learn more about that. 1 year ago
It doesn’t, that’s FTC / anticompetitive law territory 1 year ago
Hmmm, not sure why people are downvoting… Maybe these days people are using the term “net neutrality” in a broader sense to just mean equitable access, rather than the specific meaning that’s been used in the past to refer to ISP behavior and giving preference based on how much is paid. 1 year ago
Well, you might want to look at the Wikipedia article on Net Neutrality to see whether or not you are being schooled on it. 1 year ago
In that case I’m right. Thanks. I thought my memory was pulling a fast one on me.