The NFT is the item though, and it can be easily resold
Comment on The History and Future of Digital Ownership 1 year agoNfts don’t give you ownership over anything but the nft itself. Everything else is a license system that says, “You can have this because you have an nft,” you know, the exact same system we have now but will more bullshit . 1 year ago 1 year ago
So? If the licence holder wanted, they could just put an option in for you to sell what you have. The nft does not matter. It is not needed and is just added bullshit 1 year ago
A movie is not an NFT… 1 year ago
Less shit. You could actually trade your fucking games and would not be limited to one platform 1 year ago
you’re still limited to one platform, the vendor has to recognise the NFT, and vendors are only going to recognise their own NFT’s that they saw value from selling.
there is no benefit to bullshit NFT tokens, unless you are running a ponzi scheme. 1 year ago
Then those games would be subject to Gresham’s law LMAO. I would never trust a company that allows transfers between platforms. 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
You would have a platform to trade games, and another to keep them. The trading platform will be able to undercut the holding platform due to practices such as exclusivity deals. This, in turn, will make the holding platform require a commission fee whenever a game is transferred to it.
If you could get a game for free in the Epic store and transfer it to Steam, where does Steam get the money from? 1 year ago
It’s quite amazing that these people don’t realize that they’re just reinventing DRM, but worse.