- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Oh okay well if you’ve not had an issue then it can’t be one.
Honestly, what is wrong with the people left on lemmy, why is everyone like this. There was a few months there where you could talk and have a conversation. Then all the good people left and we just get… this.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Salf is the definition of not uniform.
Try a spoonful of table salt instead of sea salt next time and see how well that goes. In grams it does not matter.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Not with salt or anything granular. Liquid is probably fine
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 10 months ago:
On lemmy? Yes. And the small nature of it makes it obvious. But lemmy also goes for the negative outrage stuff more than things of interest, and it’s smaller, so like I was saying. One person making the same post to a bunch of communities makes it stand out a lot,.
Honestly, I think it’s probably just time to delete the app. Lemmy isn’t what I hoped it would be. We’ll it was at first and for a good few months. But eventually the good people move away.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 10 months ago:
I think the thing that bothers me most about lemmys whirlwind of negativity about everything is that you get people like op, that find something they want to spread negativity about, then they post it to a bunch of communities.
Lemmy is small, so you see this one thing over and over and over again. It’s so tiring.
I get that this kind of stuff isn’t something to be positive about, I’m just getting so tired of lemmy. At least reddit didn’t have a constant stream of negativity. Multiplexed through every subreddit.
- Comment on Secure Operating Systems (Microkernels seems to be the future) 10 months ago:
I think we have different definitions of security. Your definition may be more theoretically secure, in your mind, for the novel and interesting solutions. My definition is about a hardened, time-tested solution.
- Comment on Secure Operating Systems (Microkernels seems to be the future) 10 months ago:
I feel like a lot of this is driven by a bias towards the unknown. You don’t know all the security issues in something new or even something old that doesn’t get the same level of testing as Linux.
I would trust security hardened Linux over all of the suggestions any day of the week. Better the devil you know.
- Comment on Apple will start allowing emulators on the iOS App Store 10 months ago:
Yes, op is a little confused.
- Browsers (were, still are in many regions) forbidden from using any engine other than the iOS provided webkit.
- Dynamic recompilation is not possible on iOS because of how iOS does code signing. This basically blocks the entire concept of executing instructions that weren’t part of the original signed code.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Git isn’t very good with large binary files, git blame doubly so. There’s asset management systems but finding when a hate symbol was added to something binary is gerally going to be difficult
- Comment on Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites 10 months ago:
It’s a shame to see someone taking the side of big business over a small independent. Google has an effective monopoly on search, they take the content of sites and present it as their own, they also rarely do a good job of fighting SEO to show you things you actually want to see, this is likely a result of SEO winning rather than these guys.
You’re celebrating the big guy and telling the little guy to just live with it. Whoes going to make content when they are all gone.
- Comment on China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing 10 months ago:
“Flooded the market,” usually called “met demand.” The West is so weird whenever China is involved.
- Comment on German state moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice 10 months ago:
This is great news, but it is always worth remembering the ebb and flow of these things. It happens because an individual cared. Eventually, that individual won’t be in the decision-making process, and the office will likely come back. At least it usually goes thst way.
- Comment on ‘IRL Fakes:’ Where People Pay for AI-Generated Porn of Normal People 11 months ago:
Every time this comes up, all the tech nerds here like to excuse it as fine and not a bad thing at all. I am hoping this won’t happen this time, but knowing lemmys audience…
- Comment on ‘IRL Fakes:’ Where People Pay for AI-Generated Porn of Normal People 11 months ago:
The people being exploited are the ones who are the victims of this, not people who paid for it.
- Comment on Denuvo Unveils New Tech That Will Make It Easier for Devs to Track Down Leakers 11 months ago:
I’m tired of every game being spoiled if you happen to engage with any amount of social media because of leakers. I’m okay with that not happening anymore. You can wait a week.
- Comment on Death Stranding UI is fucking horriffic. 11 months ago:
This might be the most hyperbole I’ve seen in a while. I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone complain about the ux before, it was so inconsequential to my playthrough that I can barely remember it.
- Comment on William Shatner's TekWar is the technological future of crap 11 months ago:
If anyone’s interested in the show, there’s three made-for-tv movies and a series.
The first two tv-movies are so bad it’s good entertaining. Everything else is awful. Shatner is barely in the show, but when he is, it’s much better.
Civvie11 on YouTube did a good video about the game as well
- Comment on Phantom Fury - Release Date Announcement Trailer 11 months ago:
Hope there’s no homophobic slurs in this one
- Comment on In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From 11 months ago:
Fair use depends on a lot, and just being a small amount doesn’t factor in. It’s the actual use. Small amounts just often fly under the nose of legal teams.
- Comment on In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From 11 months ago:
If you read an article, then copy parts of that article into a new article, that’s copyright infringement. Same with ais.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
Star citizen exploits its userbase with a never-ending drip feed of bite-sized consumables, just as long as you keep feeding the machine.
This is not some poor little indie dev. They have taken over 600 million from they’re users, and have nothing finished to show for it. I treat them with the same distain that I do companies that trive on lootboxes and live services, as they all work from the same base template. At least the live service people made a game before squeezing every penny out of people.
- Comment on Apple will allow users to download apps directly from a developer’s website, in latest EU App Store rule change 11 months ago:
There are so, so many shitty things about Apple’s implementation here, but this isn’t one. I believe the EU should blast Apple as hard as legally possible for the rest of their implementation which is intentionally terrible.)
- Comment on Apple will allow users to download apps directly from a developer’s website, in latest EU App Store rule change 11 months ago:
What’s your logic here for this not being terrible?
- Comment on Apple will allow users to download apps directly from a developer’s website, in latest EU App Store rule change 11 months ago:
To use this feature, developers will have to opt into the new App Store business terms, which means they will pay the Core Technology Fee of €0.50 for each first annual install over one million in the past 12 months.
- Comment on Can we talk about FF7 - Rebirth? 11 months ago:
I’ll be honest Op, you’ve clearly already set your mind on hating this game. oh well, less fun things for you.
- Comment on MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo 11 months ago:
Maybe start from a place of understanding rather than hostility and you might get somewhere.
- Comment on MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo 11 months ago:
We’re all mad about the emulation situation, but this is just silly. People really very much enjoy nintendo games now more than ever. Their player base is very very very satisfied
- Comment on PlayStation studio Deviation Games has closed down 11 months ago:
Deviation games is not a playstation studio.
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
China isn’t an adversary. It’s a competitor to America. You aren’t at war with China, and both China and America heavily depend on each other and are strong trading partners. This is your propaganda talking.
Lol no, Facebook and Google collect orders of magnitude more data about you, your life, your job, your friends and colleagues, your medical status, everything.
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
This has big “oh no no, there’s no racism in my community, I would know” vibes.