Why did you screw the possibility that they were being targeted on purpose to keep news from leaking?
That’s sort of a deceptive way to talk
Comment on Those that target journalists are declaring war on the truth itself
Mr_Blott@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Just asking, is this mostly due to more journalists, or due to more people calling themselves journalists? Or both
Why did you screw the possibility that they were being targeted on purpose to keep news from leaking?
That’s sort of a deceptive way to talk
Both, but lots of know nothing running around a battlefield calling themselves reporters is a bigger issue these days
dustyData@lemmy.world 1 year ago
It could be a factor, no doubt. But considering a couple of anecdotes. One where the IDF opened fire unto a jeep clearly identified as press on the border with Lebanon. And the fact that they’ve also killed hundreds of UN staffers on Gaza during this past month alone. I’m inclined to think that Israel is being at best reckless, at worst intentionally malicious with who they’re targeting. Either way they don’t care about who they kill in their murderous warpath.
Doorbook@lemmy.world 1 year ago
They literally called or message a press person while live on tv reporting, telling them evacuate your home we are going to bomb it. It is definitely malicious.
Now why the number is high? Well no one in mainstream media care about telling the Truth so more people are doing that to help take footage, because without a picture and a video people don’t care to believe written words.
Linkerbaan@lemmy.world 1 year ago
This video disagrees with you. Israeli intentionally targets and bombs journalists. This is a fact.
VaultBoyNewVegas@lemmy.world 1 year ago
The idf killed a journalist from Al jazzera only a few years ago and then denied that they did anything, then they claimed some other bullshit and then the US got involved wanting to examine the ballistics. This whole song and dance eventually led to the idf admitting that they did kill the journalist who had her helmet and pass on clear display.