Comment on Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools 1 year agoI didn’t need to learn about, well actually in English I didn’t learn anything
I found why you think school doesn’t teach things that school definitely teaches. 1 year ago
Learn anything past 8th grade yeah. I took as advanced courses as were offered, but it didn’t teach anything new. Just a hire burden of homework. (That’s largely what IB classes were) 1 year ago
Yes this means that you failed to apply yourself appropriately, because you failed to learn.
Fun fact, I used to teach high school. I am literally an expert in what you should have learned. 1 year ago
Or maybe, just consider, my experience and perception had been different to yours? This is absolutely stupid to reference because I’m an adult and this is highschool, but if I don’t say it you will continue to attack my academic performance to invalidate my argument. My overall ACT score was a 33, as I said 35 in reading. I took all IB courses for the final two years of highschool, with majority As although a couple B’s. You’re saying I failed to learn, that means my teachers and standardized tests completely failed to evaluate learning.
Fun fact, okay? There are thousands of teachers who also disagree. My mom is currently a teacher, my grandma was a magnet teacher and has now written 2 massive(in terms of content and actual weight) books on teaching philosophy. But, sighting “I’m an expert” means nothing on the internet, and especially “my mom and grandma are experts”. But what you clearly must recognize is that I know more about my own experience than you a stranger on the internet does. But if you insist on exports how about John Gatto? Or Ivan Illich? 1 year ago
If this is about your personal experiences, then why are you making generalizations about the school system as a whole? 1 year ago
Getting good grades does not mean you internalized the content. A teenager failing to apply themselves is hardly an indictment on that person as an adult.
I’m saying true things, not insulting you. When you were 16 you missed the abstracts of your lessons and assumed that means the lesson wasn’t taught. That’s incorrect. It’s, ultimately, not a huge deal - you’re just wrong about the information not being taught.
If it helps you feel less insulted, I got great grades in HS and went to college on an academic scholarship, I still failed to apply myself and had to relearn several concepts in college. That’s what kids do