- Comment on gottem 11 months ago:
I don’t know whether to believe the meme or the comment on the meme.
- Comment on Medicine 11 months ago:
Unfortunately a lot of doctors seem to take pride in it, and any suggestion that they could be unsafe due to fatigue is taken as a personal attack against their flawless integrity.
- Comment on Massive ‘Apex Legends’ Hack Disrupts NA Finals, Raises Serious Security Concerns 11 months ago:
This is a contributor post, not a Forbes official article.
I read here recently that the rich people who pay attention to Forbes for investment information avoid all Forbes contributor content and focus only official article from Forbes staff.
I don’t know how true that is, but if you believe it then until a forbes staffer writes about it in an official capacity, it hasn’t actually hit Forbes.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 11 months ago:
I appreciate that you’re able to read an opinion and simply provide your own, without being personally offended and feeling a need to assert your perceived moral righteousness.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a bearded bald dude that you like.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 11 months ago:
What’s weirder, a bowling ball, or a bowling ball with a beard
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
Before tablets, parents didn’t survive.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 11 months ago:
Bald with a huge beard is such a weird look. Big compensation vibes.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Why are dildos so commonly purple?
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
Yeah fuck those other people! They shouldn’t get anything unless I get it too!
Fuckin please. This mentality is why the billionaires get richer while the rest of us get poorer. The people at your work are going to cut off their nose to spite their face because they’re apparently not bright enough to see the big picture.
- Comment on I don't like what I've seen, man 11 months ago:
Weird Al’s music is mostly just other people’s music, with his own lyrics.
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
So what are they doing that illegal that other apps aren’t doing?
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
So for the third time: that sounds like the same thing other apps are doing.
You know what, forget about it. I’m not going in circles with a halfwit anymore.
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
So what are they doing that illegal that other apps aren’t doing??
I really don’t know how to be any more clear with this question.
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
I read the article too, and those things you quoted sound to me like things every app does.
Hence my question: what is different here?
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
There’s not a word in this article about why this breach of privacy matters while others do not. It’s not stated whether this was in the terms of service for the app, and whether those terms were ruled against.
All kinds of apps have been selling personal information for a long time, and it’s been ruled before that it’s allowed if they have the proper legalese in the terms of service. Did this app just not have any terms of service?
Why is it a breach of privacy for this app, but other apps doing the same selling of personal data is not?
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
You forgot the part where we all return to poverty so the rich can stay rich in the face of climate change.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
Easy fix: don’t offer support
More expensive easy fix: contract with a call center in India to do “support” for you.
- Comment on What is on your "things to 3d print" list? 11 months ago:
Maybe $100. Almost all of the upgrades were printed. I bought an all metal hotend and a glass bed. I think that’s it. Probably more like $70.
- Comment on What is on your "things to 3d print" list? 11 months ago:
Ew no. I’m still on my ender 3 pro version 1 from 2019. It’s upgraded to the teeth and works great.
There’s no way I’d throw away all that work for a locked down corporate spy machine that uses lots of proprietary, nonstandard parts.
- Comment on Hey, I'm new to GitHub! 1 year ago:
There is, it’s literally right there on the home page of the project. You can either copy a URL and download it by cloning the git repo, or you can download the whole project as a zip file. Then you just have to compile it!
GitHub is for developers, not end users.
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
Baguettes are distinctly penis shaped, so the French are just wrong about that.
- Comment on Amazon — like SpaceX — is the latest company to claim the U.S. labor board is unconstitutional, after receiving numerous labor complaints from employees 1 year ago:
But they’re not even free. The Romans gave the bread and cicuses for free.
- Comment on Emergency cake 1 year ago:
I always thought it was weird how they put up these giant flashing distractions to tell you not to be distracted.
- Comment on I’d rather stay up anyway 1 year ago:
It’s like giving people depression tips.
“Oh you’re depressed? Haven’t you tried eating healthy and exercising?”
Or do you think your words are so profound you actually expect people to change their lives over your internet comment?
- Comment on I've noticed that people make the 'surface of the sun' temperature comparison a lot 1 year ago:
How do we know what the layers of the sun and earth are, and how hot they are? What methods were used to gain (or theorize) this information?
- Comment on How stable is a metallic print 1 year ago:
Once you have the model you should at least get a quote from a machine shop. 99% chance it’s way too expensive, but you never know and quotes are free.
- Comment on While We're Repairing Things: Replacement Pilot Down Force Clip 1 year ago:
How often do you find yourself writing upside down in space?
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
German cable providers cheaped out and didn’t upgrade their infrastructure for quite a while.
This is always the real reason.
Rich people being cheap.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
They’re a child prodigy.
- Comment on Right on time 1 year ago:
This is 100x funnier lol