Comment on Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools 1 year agoGetting good grades does not mean you internalized the content. A teenager failing to apply themselves is hardly an indictment on that person as an adult.
I’m saying true things, not insulting you. When you were 16 you missed the abstracts of your lessons and assumed that means the lesson wasn’t taught. That’s incorrect. It’s, ultimately, not a huge deal - you’re just wrong about the information not being taught.
If it helps you feel less insulted, I got great grades in HS and went to college on an academic scholarship, I still failed to apply myself and had to relearn several concepts in college. That’s what kids do 1 year ago
It might be a bit of an indicator they did apply themselves or at least did learn though.
Unfortunately you don’t determine the truth, no matter how condescendingly you phrase it. Condescension yes is a form of insulting, as you are trying to deny the experience I lived, based on your own experience, y’know the one that had nothing to do with my own.
But, you failed, because I didn’t say it was never taught. Not once did I say it was never taught. I said it was already taught, and continually repeated.
You don’t understand basic empathy if you think that my problem was saying I didn’t apply myself. - See how that feels like an insult? But based on my observation of you in a very limited interaction + a lot of assumptions from me, that’s true. That is what you’re doing, since my personal experience contradicts your preconceived notion you are denying my own experience.
Did you just hear the name Ivan and assume Russian?
Which would mean it failed to. So why do you assume you after briefly talking to me on the internet are able to? 1 year ago
I thought you were discussing The Death of Ivan Ilyich, a famous Tolstoy work