It’s a status symbol, sure… it may be stupid and primitive as a trophy around a caveman’s neck… but we are just wired like that.
Nothing special here.
Comment on Nothing Phone builds a blue bubble iMessage bridge while Google and Apple fight over RCS 1 year ago
The stupidest thing about this cultural identification with the message apps “bubble” color.
It’s a status symbol, sure… it may be stupid and primitive as a trophy around a caveman’s neck… but we are just wired like that.
Nothing special here.
No, we are wired to be programmed by giant companies to believe that the ways they influence us are just “toward the natural”.
How is it not natural to want a status symbol? However I agree that companies abuse that to gain power and profit, I’m not questioning that.
It may be natural to want a status symbol (although that drive probably varies wildly between individuals), but I find it sad that having an iPhone is equated to status.
“Look at me in my expensive walled garden!”
Disclaimer: I also dislike Google’s business practices in different ways
Only poor people think a smartphone is a sign of wealth
Only spoiled children would say something like that
Yet no single wealthy personas would dare whip out an Android.
This is a figment of your imagination
Your assumption is not correct. Bill Gates uses Android phones
There are Android phones that are more expensive than the most expensive Apple phone you can get.
Samsung Fold is 2150€ for example.
Only the wealthy people who gained none of that wealth themselves.
It’s not at all, and only the most purile idiots would ever think that.
*exceptional 'murican identification with the blue bubble.
And the same enlightened kids who are so aware about discrimination and gender fluidity (which is good) are the ones discriminating against others because they don’t have an iPhone. 1 year ago
Isn’t it the fact that there will be features missing if someone doesn’t have iMessage? I genuinely don’t think anybody would care if it were just the color of the bubble that was different and nothing else. 1 year ago
I think green bubbles (non iPhone) means it’s using SMS so it can cost people money to send messages, especially images which would be sent as MMS I guess. 1 year ago
The kids care. Even in Europe. My nephew and niece had to get iPhones, and soon my son will have to get one or be socially left out. It’s a serious crisis made by greedy corporations is what it really is. 1 year ago
Not one single person on this planet ever had to get an iPhone 1 year ago
Sounds like an opportunity to educate your kids, and by proxy, others.
Kid’s bubble-shaming is no different than any other stupid shit kids have always done.
Don’t feed into it.
And if you really want to have some fun, host something like the iMessage-Matrix bridge mentioned above, or other messaging apps. When your kid shows up as a blue bubble, but friends notice he’s on Android, they’ll be confused…another learning opportunity. 1 year ago
Don’t do it man. Don’t let them get your son. 1 year ago
This is basically the historical and cultural reason why the US uses SMS and MMS: basically every phone plan has unlimited SMS before smartphones became popular, so any smartphone OS needed to seamlessly support it for adoption. Apple successfully bridged that SMS interface into a proprietary messaging protocol and app even while maintaining backwards compatibility with SMS and MMS, but not the new standard that came out after the iPhone. 1 year ago
Yes. The iPhone to MMS connection has filesize limits that basically make sending video horribly compressed, and even still images are visibly limited in quality.
And then message reactions aren’t directly supported in MMS, so it becomes a clunky communications experience between iPhone and Android texting.
There’s also delivery confirmation, read receipts, and other indicators in an iMessage chat that aren’t supported in MMS.
The color of the bubble is a subtle UI indicator of what features are supported in the chat.