As someone who doesn’t use it* I’m curious, why is it so addicting?
*My wife used it once when we were out of state for a wedding but only because I was stuck inside due to illness.
Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago
I hate Doorsdash so fucking much but I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to it. It’s one of those terrible destructive relationships and I find myself screaming at the app every time I use it. I recently discovered a neat trick though, where if I order from the website then the app won’t spam me with the double-dash popup but I’ll still get my delivery statuses.
As someone who doesn’t use it* I’m curious, why is it so addicting?
*My wife used it once when we were out of state for a wedding but only because I was stuck inside due to illness.
It’s a time saver for sure. My husband and I use it a lot though over the past 2 months we’ve made conscious efforts to cook at home more for both money saving (it’s fucking expensive) and to reduce our calorie intake.
That being said, it’s really nice to just press a quick button, and then start sweeping, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc, and then food just shows up that can now be conveniently cleaned up quickly as well.
Cooking yourself not only takes away time from the other chores kicking them to getting done later, but also now adds chores as well with the dishes.
I reason that something has to give between work, fitness, chores, schooling, sleep, and downtime. So far it’s been my sleep, but I don’t feel guilty using food delivery services to get some gaming/social time back in as well.
Thanks, that does make sense. I just finished raking leaves, walked 2 miles today for fitness, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. And there’s still more to do…
If it wasn’t for the tip I would honestly do it too. But I hate tipping non-wait staff so I’ll go pick a pizza up just to avoid it. 1 year ago
Learn to cook. This is why everyone became broke and fat. It is scary how fast you lose money this way. A single meal for one person can be the same as a family of four food budget for a week and the food you get is loaded with salt and calories.
My rule for eating out is simple: it has to be food I can’t resonably make at home. I love Indian food but it wouldn’t be realistic for me to start cooking it. 1 year ago
I know how to cook, but sometimes I don’t want to cook. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp, and I don’t know why everyone is so hostile towards people who choose to spend their money on this 1 year ago
Because it is hard to feel bad about someone complaining about a luxury that catered to human laziness being slightly more expensive. There is about a billion people on earth who don’t have enough to eat or don’t have access to a good diet and you people are whining about spending 41 dollar laziness premium for 38 dollars laziness premium.
Try using a bicycle, maybe you will lose some weight. 1 year ago
People are “whining” about an out of control tipping culture. Doesn’t matter if you like the service or not, tips are fucking ridiculous right now. 1 year ago
I know how to cook, but only in a commercial kitchen and only when I’m making 150+ servings of something.