- Comment on I've finally done it, a perfect first layer in progress 6 months ago:
Have to say, that is a pretty clean first layer, kudos!
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
G’day, Chris here
- Comment on Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change 10 months ago:
Pornhub, xtube, I know these names better than Google knows my own grandmother’s. Youporn, xxn, redtube, panty jobs, homegrown Simpsons stuff…
- Comment on Stuck on Let's Encrypt certificate issuance due to firewall issue even after opening necessary ports 11 months ago:
There is another way, I thought. Seem to recall certbot offering it when failing here. If you want more details I can dig into it but it has you create a file in a .well-known and it’ll go check for it there.
Also, don’t forgot let’s encrypt will time you out if you ping too often.
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? 1 year ago:
Somewhat tangentially related but DSCOVR sits at a Lagrange point between the Sun and Earth and took pretty neat photos:
- Comment on Player Character builder 1 year ago:
I’ve scoured a bit and have come up empty handed, that is to say: I bought the Hoards of the Dragon Queen book and I want a neat pre-built campaign tracker to help me - can’t find anything.
- Comment on Player Character builder 1 year ago:
Thanks for sharing, might also use this as a tool. Side note: I jumped on the discord but it looks like they removed the packs to be safe, let me know if I’m mistaken.
- Comment on Mostly just the bad ones, tho. 1 year ago:
Big fat load of downloads.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
- Comment on More Police Are Using Your Cameras for Video Evidence 1 year ago:
I had one of those Vivent door to door folks walk up to me one day, garage open. I was polite enough but explained I had no interest in storing a video feed of my house on their servers as I’d like to do illegal things if I want. They assured me it was stored with “aes256 encryption” - which they expect most laymen to be wowed by - but what good is encryption if they own the keys and crumble to government requests?
- Comment on LinkedIn Isn't Just for Jobs Anymore. It's Now a Dating App Too. 1 year ago:
Whereas I’ve avoided social networking sites (like FB/IG/etc) because I’ve always known most folks use it to brag about how much fun they’re having or what they just bought - LinkedIn is a horrible mixture of how much corporate KoolAid they can drink and their newest job/promotion.
I don’t mind being proud of friends who are doing well but seeing it in condensed milk form makes me sick and applies to both.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Feels like something the EU would eventually work on settling: making all tool manufacturers have a non-proprietary connector.
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
Same here, but after v25(?) it won’t update on my RPi 4 any longer, think they went 64 bit only?
Other than that no issues
- Comment on A masterpiece 1 year ago:
- Comment on should i?? 1 year ago:
Found the 2018 East Regional DDR runner up.
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
To what exactly are you objectifying?
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
- Comment on Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog 1 year ago:
You’re spot on, total Dr Bronner-syphilis-riddled-scrawlings-vibes here…
(Jokes aside, I like Dr Bronner soap - apparently they run a decent company too)
- Comment on Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog 1 year ago:
Looks like someone is going down a peg or two next time…
- Comment on 2014: Barack Obama Tan Suit Scandal (biggest scandal of two presidential terms) 1 year ago:
Oh yeah, that’s fun, let’s go back further. Remember when Bush lied about WMDs to invade Iraq? Imagine Obama running with a war in the Middle East on his hands.
- Comment on Free Hotdogs 1 year ago:
Pierce Brosnan living his best life, out there slanging free glizzies.
- Comment on I no longer like jazz 1 year ago:
I’ll just leave this here:
- Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago:
Thanks, that does make sense. I just finished raking leaves, walked 2 miles today for fitness, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. And there’s still more to do…
If it wasn’t for the tip I would honestly do it too. But I hate tipping non-wait staff so I’ll go pick a pizza up just to avoid it.
- Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago:
Hey, why do you hate trickle down economics so much!
- Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago:
As someone who doesn’t use it* I’m curious, why is it so addicting?
*My wife used it once when we were out of state for a wedding but only because I was stuck inside due to illness.
- Comment on Weezer straight up writing ads for 1 year ago:
Does this sound made up you? Hard to swallow your favorite band could be so scummy?
Did you know Weezer made an NFT? Yeah, that’s who they are now folks.
- Comment on Firefox will have a built-in ‘fake reviews detector’ — Amazon is in trouble 1 year ago:
I think he’s just suggesting that the plugin filters it down to what an algorithm considers legitimate. These plugins usually only filter when you click the item so it wouldn’t necessarily move the result down, just reduce potential purchases (which would eventually drop the result).
- Comment on US issues first ever fine for space junk to Dish Network 1 year ago:
One of the biggest fears I tend to think of is Kessler Syndrome where one collision creates a shotgun blast of debris that increases the chances for more collisions (cascade effect). If you’ve seen the movie Gravity you get a great example of how it would go down.
- Comment on RIP in piece 1 year ago:
Think about it - this isn’t like, “oh I can’t believe the news she died!” This is straight up: “yep, died of old age, totally expected.” She was on the way out for a long time and everyone who supported her being there knew she couldn’t fulfill her job requirements yet let her stay in office for political reasons. Which doesn’t make sense to me either: her seat wasn’t going to be filled by a Republican.