- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
To think that vein popped because she was promised a helicopter arrival to her party and Anthony didn’t deliver. His coworkers coming in the background and shutting the door to the conference room, giving these two the side-eye while they were arguing sent me. The level of delusion this woman had was next level and I just remember sitting there at the time being like “Is this what rich people are like?”
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Haha, the fans remembered this from the premiere to the end of season reunion. Andy Cohen brought it up a lot in the comments, lmao. I think we all legit thought we were going to witness this woman literally “pop a vein” on live TV at the time. So fucking campy, I love it.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Lmao! Thank you! This is such a sweet comment, and I too love when I can feel someone get super stoked over something “silly” online. Something wholesome about just knowing that a legit person is on the other side of the computer getting happy over something inconsequential, haha.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Finally! My time on Lemmy has come! For those who do not know, the phrase “Who Gon’ Check Me Boo?” was uttered by none other than Sheree Spring-Summer-Winter-Joggers Whitfield, of Real Housewives of Atlanta fame, while arguing with her party planner during the Season 2 premiere in 2009. The phrase temporarily shut down the man’s argument, before the conflict then escalated to the point that both were shouting at one another, leading to the iconic vein popping out of Ms. Bone-Collector Whitfield’s neck.
(I know that’s not the point of this post, but the Bravo communities are the thing I miss the most about the other bad place, so when I see a RH reference, I fucking jump on it)
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
True! Some actual info would be nice since this could plausibly be several people it seems.
Drunk brain just lit up last night and was like “The time has come to dispense Real Housewives of DC lore upon the public”.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Are we sure this isnt referencing Real Housewives of DC Michail Salahi? Who Broke Up A Whitehouse Dinner?
And also subsequently married Neil Schon from Journey?
- Comment on Beautiful stories like this just make you smile 1 month ago:
Yeah, it’s actually legit fucking insane. I’ve been deployed 3 times, and the amount of infidelity I witnessed from both spouses, every time, was…something to behold. The first time I went I naively thought people were blowing the rate out of proportion before I got there but it was like…so many people.
Like I get that military life is difficult, most people get married hella young so the partners can stay together, and then deployments happen. Deployments happen right after one spouse uproots their entire lives to move halfway across the world with no support system. It still sucks to see because once it all comes out, it tears families apart every time.
- Comment on Bat Drip 2 months ago:
- Comment on Just a little guy 3 months ago:
Well, as someone who adores horror movies of all styles from pure camp to serious, and as someone who feels hella nostalgia for MD, I thank you for putting The Bay on my radar!
My husband is a super cinephile though, so Im super hell be interested in the others (provided he hasnt already seen them).
- Comment on Just a little guy 3 months ago:
I grew up on the East Coast of the United States. MD and FL to be specific. Going to the beach was a regular thing in our household, whether it was the Chesapeake Bay or the Atlantic Ocean somewhere in West Palm Beach. My grandad has a house on the actual bay. Grew up spending every family gathering there. The adults would visit/catch up, and us kids would be in the water. I was NEVER scared of the water.
Then, as an adult, Im sitting at an inprocessing for a base in Okinawa, Japan, and theyre going over local hazards in the region.
I had never heard of the Blue Ringed Octopus before.
And from that moment on, I became terrified of things in the ocean.
My husband always laughs about that story because its rare that they even make it into the waters around Oki, but that genuinely really was the moment that my brain was like “Omg, you have to worry about more than sharks in the ocean.”
- Comment on rip frend 3 months ago:
Fuck, I know what I’m watching tonight after work!
- Comment on Are 'micro-apartments' converted from offices the answer to the housing crisis? 4 months ago:
Fuck man, even the tiniest possible cruise cabins still have room for a stand up shower, toilet, and sink. And they fit a queen sized bed.
Knock down a wall or two and don’t make people share a communal bathroom like they’re recruits in basic training.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 7 months ago:
Wuthering Waves is Hella good. Technically it’s an open world gacha game, but I played through all the storyline (the developers will be forever updating the story a la Genshin Impact), and I never spent a dime on it.
Also, I have spent money on Cooking Diary. However, I went about 3 months of daily play before I did, and it was more about me being impatient/telling myself “You got 3 months of daily play, you can drop the devs $4.99”. I’ve played that game just about daily since Memorial Day 2023, and I’ve dropped $5.00 quarterly. There are regularly moments of infinite lives that exceed an hour or two, that it genuinely isn’t necessary. I spend the money more as a “thanks for not making this ducking game contingent on microtransactions, making it good, and maintaining/update it.”
- Comment on It's okay, Buddy 8 months ago:
I read this in Grog’s voice and I high key love it. The idea of him describing “surface level themes such as nationalism” is hilarious.
And the title comment is the icing on the cake.
- Comment on recruiting theocracy 9 months ago:
Meh, this isn’t really dystopian imo, they provide a really good service. They will provide limited mental health/crisis counseling to you (regardless of faith/lack therof), with no written documentation. Unless you’re telling them you plan to actively hurt yourself or someone else, then they’re 100% confidential.
The military has gotten better in recent years about this, but when I was a young Airman 15 years ago, it was drilled into our heads that you DO NOT go to Mental Health for ANY reason if you wanted to stay in and keep your career. It was viewed as an instant career killer if you went back then.So Chaplains became the “go between” in a lot of instances. Because there was no record.
I used them 3 or 4 times before I finally bit the bullet and went to Mental Health back in December. 3 of the 4 Chaplains I saw were awesome and just listened to my anxieties and then talked me down as to how unlikely they were to pass. The fourth did ask me if he could pray for me at the end, and I’m sure I could have said no, but I was more like “Sure, I guess.” So he said some kind of generic prayer, handed me a pocket bible and sent me on my way. He wasn’t bad, still listened to my issue, but I could see someone who is very uncomfortable with prayer being too nervous/anxious to say “no” if they didn’t really want it.
- Comment on Yep 9 months ago:
Ugh. Man. What a fucking throwback to 10 years ago.
- Comment on My phone is just one big shitpost 10 months ago:
I do contemplate the merits of having a home phone with the ringer perpetually on silent, and that being the only number I give out to places like Spirit Halloween whereas family/friends get the cell.
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
When I was in Germany in 2022, I traveled freely around Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Czechia. I only got asked for my Passport in Switzerland, and then at the airports. Otherwise, no, you’d just be driving or on a train and the signs would change to French suddenly.
I loved it. I wish we fucking would relax our shit in the US. It was hella neat.
- Comment on shoebills 10 months ago:
Right?! It’s such a creepy pic! Kinda gives me the same vibe as the OG smiledog.jpg (not the over exposed one - that one I always found silly)
- Comment on Giving someone oral is the most intimate thing you can do for someone. (IMO) 10 months ago:
Honestly, I think this could be true. There’s definitely something to be said about willingly putting yourself in a vulnerable position with someone you feel safe with, for the sole purpose of their pleasure and nothing else. However, there’s definitely a balance. If my husband demanded blow jobs every day or something, I’d probably get the “ick” from him and not want to do it. But since he’s never been the one to be demanding about anything sexual, I do actually love making him feel good like that.
Sometimes I’ll make it hella silly and we’ll be sitting on the couch and I’ll just say something stupid like “GO GET ON THE BED KING, ITS TIME TO GET YOUR DICK SUCKED!” And he’ll roll his eyes and blush but I also see the corner of his mouth quirk into a small smile and I know he’s just like “She’s thinking of me.” And it gives me all the warm fuzzies. I also saw a meme once that said “LEMME STRESS EAT THAT DICK”, and that’s one that I’ve whipped out a time or two that makes him snort. Yeah, I’m goofy, not every time, but sometimes, because we’ve been married for 14 years this year and I just like to see him grin.
That being said, I also fucking love when he wants to take care of my needs out of nowhere too. There’s something amazing about just knowing someone is invested in your pleasure.
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
Her child will definitely not run and hide from the doorbell/door knockers like the rest of us 😂
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on how did "step" porn become so popular when we did such a good job keeping scat and insest porn out of the mainstream for so long 1 year ago:
I’ve heard the theory that porn these days is so over the top and intense a lot of the times, that you can just turn off the sound to step porn and get more moderate, missionary, “plain” style porn if that’s your jam.
I have zero opinion either way, as I read my porn, this is just a hypothesis I’ve heard 🤷♀️
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
It’s a habit I picked up in basic training. We had 50 girls to 12 shower heads, and we really didn’t get much time for all of us to shower at all in the first couple weeks (the time constraint was relaxed after a bit though)
The tooth brushing deal though I think was because our TI would find the tiniest speck of water in the sinks after lights out and absolutely lose his shit. So we only used the sinks to wash our hands, so we didn’t accidentally leave toothpaste in the bowl of the sink and miss it while cleaning up for the evening.
Either way, it’s just a habit that’s stuck with me through the years.
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
I’m honestly kind of shocked at this. I know for our annual evaluations this year, people were using ChatGPT to write their statements.
I thought for sure someone with a secret squirrel type job was going to use it for that innocuous purpose, end up inputting top secret information, and then the DoD would ban the practice completely.
- Comment on Sophie's choice 70s edition 1 year ago:
I just really don’t know how the mandatory training sessions doesn’t solve the problem for everyone.
People who are ACTUALLY dedicated to raising these dogs will still get them. Those who would end up as shitty owners won’t bother with the hassle.
Dogs get a better owner; owners get a better dog. Win-win all around.
I grew up with Rottweilers, which were the “pitbulls” of the 90s. I have had 2 Dobermans, one sleeping next to me right now, and they were the “pitbulls” of the 80s.
I fail to see how extermination is the answer when we have other methods available.
- Comment on Sophie's choice 70s edition 1 year ago:
They think that they’re making a clever point. Of course larger dogs are inherently more dangerous than tiny dogs. No one is disputing that.
But to advocate for the complete wiping out of an entire breed versus mandatory training classes for owners is an insane answer.
Make “dangerous breeds” more difficult to get, sure. I agree with that. But I can NOT with the “wipe out all pitbull/rotties/dobermans/GSDs/etc”
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
Ooohhh have you about buying a band and wearing it on a chain around your neck instead? I know people who work with machinery do that to avoid their rings getting caught on the equipment.
I’ve always thought it was kind of sweet because now your ring hangs close to your heart everyday!
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
Ugh yes. I canceled my Amazon Prime like 5 years ago, and swore off Amazon completely until they started streaming Vox Machina. Sucks that’s the service Critical Role went with, but it is what it is.
I should check out Tales from the Loop too… and cancel AppleTV now that Ted Lasso is over.
- Comment on Over 50 per cent of users may shun social media by 2025 as misinformation, toxicity grow 1 year ago:
Samsies on the timeline. It was 2020, I was deployed to the desert, and I was taking classes for a Masters Degree in Public Health.
I could NOT mentally deal with all the Covid misinformation flying around, and my family’s love of Trump. But I for some reason also couldn’t stop myself from checking it constantly.
So, I deleted it, and the whole 30 days wait time was hella annoying because I had to stop myself from logging in. But when it was finally gone, I felt SUCH an immense relief.