Imagine being like, mildly famous and wealthy.
Kind of at the point of your fantasy where you would start helping others because you’re a “good person!” so you will buy you mom a house. She did everything for you after all. You do a couple of those things and then it’s like… you know what I’m going to take money from big oil.
like what the FUCK. During a record breaking summer!!! And If I remember correctly the last 2 or more summers were also record breaking!
And the American winters are either warmer than usual or colder. Wait sorry I’m high what was the subject? Video games? Lol 1 year ago
But what if I want to become a streamer and then have a questionable relationship with a teenager half my age (technically legal but still dodgy), while also promoting my own gambling site and energy drink? Oh, and a pay to win Minecraft server.
What if that’s my actual goal. It’s okay then right? 1 year ago
I think that’s fine. Since when did streamers become paragons of virtue anyways? Back when I started watching someone like HotshotGG, they were always thought of as degens living in their mom’s basement 1 year ago
Yeah, what could go wrong with propping up a bunch of literal cave people as role models for young people?
Perfectly fine.