Im at a stage where I am more than happy to pay for really good shows. It really isn't about price, just value. It's just been ages since NF made anything stellar.
They said about The OA (I loved season 1)...
Neflix describes The OA as "a big creative swing we were proud to take," but says that when it comes to deciding what to renew and what to cancel, "viewing versus cost" is always what it takes into account.
This philosophy means we get loads of average crap. They aren't a regular network, why the hell are they acting like it.
I've said before, because it's linked with delivery, Prime seems to be the only service willing to take risks, and they make some great stuff because of it. HBO seems to be a distant second. 1 year ago
Yeah cause collective strikes of a vocal minority work out so great in the end lol 1 year ago
but in this case me cancelling all my subscriptions led me to a great hobby and acquiring my own media instead of trying to figure out what streaming service has what is so much better, plus sharing it with friends and family so they dont need streaming services, at least not all of them is great 1 year ago
Sure. It won’t change Netflix, their pricing or their decisions though. Unless something really big happens (and by that I mean like 20% of all subscribers leaving) they won’t care. 1 year ago
Right, but it’s not like I miss out on shows I want to watch if I just go watch them “online” instead of paying. 1 year ago
Yeah sure. Let’s just not act as if people on lemmy represent the entire society - and them not paying for streaming somehow will make Netflix notice 1 year ago
The subtext here is that we should just go, “Screw you guys,” and just pirate everything.