Russell Brand is a wealthy, famous Hollywood star who does not know who you are and will never give you the love you needed from your father.
Russell Brand is a wealthy, famous Hollywood star who does not know who you are and will never give you the love you needed from your father. 1 year ago
You have allowed yourself to become so cynical that the only reason you can conceive of for speaking up in another person’s defense is that it might be part of some psychological complex from childhood. 1 year ago
Give me another reason to stand up for a famous hollywood star you know nothing real about, just a carefully and expensively crafted media persona.
I’m all for a good discussion around the social implications of false accusations, but there’s an exceptional amounting of simping going on for one specific special boy. 1 year ago
Aside from false accusations - how about tech monopolies (only beholden to profits/shareholders) being judge, jury and executioner? 1 year ago
Yes, Brand has been executed by having his YouTube account demonetized. There’s no difference between not being paid by YouTube, but still being allowed to post videos, and being convicted of a crime. No difference whatsoever. 1 year ago
I agree that capitalism is bad. 1 year ago
He helped save Sarah Marshall, that has to count for something