I wonder: Did the people who successfully pulled off the Facebook strategy get replaced by dumber, greedier ones, did they get overruled by dumber, greedier decision-makers, did they get overconfident and thought their current market position would let Meta get away with it, or did they get lucky in the first place and fail to take any notes on why it worked?
Corporations tend to run on “if it works, why change?” so mixing up your entire strategy to this degree seems like it must’ve been a deliberate decision. I’m just curious who made that decision, and by what reasoning.
Buddahriffic@lemmy.world 1 year ago
They could release the best possible VR hardware that puts your body into a dream state and allows you to experience things fully in VR for $99 and I still wouldn’t touch it if meta, fb, or zuckberg has anything to do with it.
Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Iirc these headsets require your Facebook login to function at all?
Nope nope nope.
bezerker03@lemmy.bezzie.world 1 year ago
They fixed that. Still need to make a meta account but it’s not Facebook.
Guntrigger@feddit.ch 1 year ago
Surely that is the exact same thing?
grue@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Needing any account to use hardware I own is a 100% deal-breaker.