It’s like all the revolutionary battery technologies, computer storage technologies, fusion, cure for cancer, anything with graphene in it, cure for immune diseases and all that. People just love to write clickbait articles about this stuff.
Developing these ideas in the lab takes decades, and turning those ideas into actual products takes even more time. When you see articles about these topics, you can be pretty sure you’ll never hear about it again. 1 year ago
It’s a clash between scientists needing to be optimistic about their findings to maintain funding and real people needing it asap. We need to fund more medical research outside of for-profit corporations and increasingly expensive academia 1 year ago
Imagine if there was a global fund for disease cures that all the industrialized nations poured their money and resources into. 1 year ago
If you’re talking about The Global Fund, they only attack very specific diseases, mostly eradicated in industrialized nations but persist due to poverty (like malaria). 1 year ago
Which is silly because eradicating them in some places while leaving them elsewhere just costs more money anyways. 1 year ago
I can just imagine the opportunities for corruption in such an organization. 1 year ago
I’m curious how we will ever be advance to the point of being a post-scarcity space faring civilization if we don’t take these sorts of steps because we’re too busy wondering about what might go wrong 1 year ago
Imagine if the research and development of treatments and vaccines for endemic pathogens and genetic disorders were… you know… socialized 1 year ago
I hear this argument all the time, but the majority of the major research comes from the US [1]. My inclination is that, because the US is for-profit, the cures are developed faster and the science is here. The socialized nations lack, it’s a fact, and it’s certainly not for a lack of resources 1 year ago
It seems like the COViD model worked pretty well. One of these days I’d like to better understand the process, but I believe it was something like ….
Vaccine developed by private companies but with a lot of government funding but more importantly, massive contracts at a fixed price. 1 year ago
Outside of for-profit corporations and outside of academia? So neither the private sector nor the public sector? Who should do medical research then?