- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
While that would indeed be awesome, that’s not the route they proposed. It’s more about slowing down the perception of time, rather than being able to actually do something peoductive during that.
Philosopher Rebecca Roache, who leads a team of scholars, explains two methods to this madness. The first involves psychotic drugs that distort a person’s sense of time.
With a simple pill or injection, prisoners may believe they’ve been incarcerated for much longer than any natural human life could allow.
The second approach Roach explains is a bit more complex. Option number two involves uploading human minds to computers (da f*ck?), and speeding up the rate at which the brain functions. On her blog, Roach writes: "[…] This would, obviously, be much cheaper for the taxpayer than extending criminals’ lifespans to enable them to serve 1,000 years in real time.”…/new-technology-could-make-in…
Despite thinking, “wow that’s a disgusting way to see and treat humans”, and some obvious moral concerns (like, social isolation for what feels like 1000 years, which will fuck up most people badly), which make this feel like a black mirror episode, the mind-upload issue is technically extremely tricky. Even if we had the technology to “upload” the human mind, it will be a copy, a clone, not you individually. And if we don’t have an option to download the copy back into your brain, it will just be a waste of energy.
More importantly, an intriguing question is raised: After such a download, will this be you? Or just a copy of a copy and thereby another being which just replaces another one.
Another thing I find important to ask here: what’s the point of penalties? These suggestions seem to me like psychological torture rather than measures to “correct” social behaviour. In no way resocialisation seems to matter here. So we just fuck people up by that and unleash them onto society afterwards. Doesn’t sound good to me.
Sorry for not keeping my reply focused on your idea. I had some time to spare and this kept me busy.
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 10 months ago:
And that’s the problem, because everyone is coerced to do that if they want to survive. And those, who own the means of production, the capital, the companies, are those who have the power to exploit those who don’t. And they do.
- Comment on Intrusive thoughts 10 months ago:
Was it satisfying? How did it feel? Don’t be shy about details.
I’m… err… asking for friend.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 10 months ago:
Samsung smart TVs already show a small ad on the home menu.
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Oh shit. My pollen allergy in spring is a death trap.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
Aaand there goes another service again, which I’ve never used and now will probably never even think about using.
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
It would be bought. That’f how stocks work. If there is a promising company, there will be interested buyers.
- Comment on 2 million job seekers targeted by data thieves. Primary focus in APAC region, including Australia, Taiwan, China, Thailand, India, and Vietnam. Also affects Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, US. 1 year ago:
I already knew that the US is a third world country, but it’s new to me that Europe has got there as well.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
We should continue to normalise that topic such that no one needs to feel like this is awkward.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
Which would be equally stupid.
Stopping to taboo sex would be advantageous for everyone.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
Labeling that as unprofessional is kind of arbitrary, which was basically my point.
Although sex is something as natural, normal and common as eating, sleeping, shitting, having hair and whatever, some religious people a long time ago felt like this was something that needed to be tabooed, which I find stupid, because it has led and still leads to a lot of problems.
I’m glad that this started to change, but still, having some harmless sex toys on display shouldn’t catch so much attention imo.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
What? She likes sex? Such a freak! What a scandal! /i
- Comment on I don't know how to title this 1 year ago:
A good opportunity to learn about projectile motion.
- Comment on Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox 1 year ago:
Oh yeah, good point. Well at least that’s just a deal to set the default search engine. Is there more?
- Comment on Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox 1 year ago:
How does it rely on Google?
- Comment on Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox 1 year ago:
I’m using Firefox basically since it came into existence and my life is depressing and sucks. But at least I can browse the web without being tracked so hard by Google and others while trusting on a Open Source project whose first priorities are its users and not profit.
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
I loved the Pißwasser ads in GTA IV.
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
Why not CustomROMs?
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
That’s new to me. Can you share a screenshot?
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
It’s in many aspects not better or even inferior to Firefox according to a test I read.
(German:…/cb-Tipps-Software-Duell-Firefox… )
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
Filter bubbles are one thing, which I find is a huge disadvantage to personalization. You’ll never learn about new stuff, because it will never be presented to you, since someone assumes that you blong to a specific box.
Another is that I value my privacy. It’s no one’s business what I do, when, where, with whom and how. Apart from that, there is no guarantee that this information is not being misused.
For example, I’m thinking about political campaigns, which target specific user groups on the one hand, or spread misinformation and distrust to others. I see such forms of information steering as detrimental to democratic societies. Free and unbiased information is crucial for critical thinking.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
I don’t mind ads, I understand that websites need to finance themselves to cover their costs (and maybe build up some capital to expand), but I do mind tracking, user profiling, personalization / user targeting, trading this data with dubious companies worldwide, and obnoxious ads, for example pop-ups or auto-play videos with a 1 micron sized close button, or a forced timed ad which is hiding the content.
It’s like having a bunch of people following you around, taking note of everything you do, evaluating that data, making statistics, dicsussing it with other people you don’t know, etc… Then, when you want to make yourself a sandwich, step in between you and your sandwich, taking up a megaphone and scream into your face : “OH, WE NOTICED THAT YOU ARE MAKING A SANDWICH. CAN WE INTERST YOU IN NEW FANCY BUTTER KNIVES FOR ONLY 59,99 €?” [Then going on about it for 3 minutes before they are stepping out of your way].
There are laws against that in real life, and in the digital realm this is missing. Considering how much time a lot of people spend online this is something which needs to be taken seriously.
It’s really scary sometimes. There was a time when I was stupid enough to use facebook, just to stay in touch with friends. Once I talked with a friend about allergies and asthma, and I told them I have a pollen allergy. A short time later an ad showed up on my facebook feed, advertising some nasal spray for allergies. Wtf?! And that’s just the surface. “Harmless” ads. Who knows what else happens with that data?
And then we get stuff like Cambridge Analytica.
- Comment on A psychopath getting 3 wishes from a genie would be a great horror movie. 1 year ago:
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert. I invite you to correct me if you know better. Sources are at the end.
If you see taste receptors as chemosensors, then yes. We have those all over the place. In the lungs, brain, kidneys, the gastrointestinal system etc… Even in sperm. Although a lot of those are not well studied yet, it has been found that - depending on the cells and region - they can serve specific purposes, like metabolic regulation, or airway relaxation. Basically a way for you body to react to chemical signals. However, afaik they do not contribute to the taste sensation when you’re eating. So you don’t need to go all Cartman style.
But(t), a lot of those findings have limited validity, e.g. because of investigations using cell cultures instead of in vivo studies, or because several animals have a different (or even completely lacking) set of those receptors than humans.
Sources, which I skimmed for this:
- (Tissue distribution section)
-…/1351478 (German)
- Comment on We don't judge here. :) 1 year ago:
Depends on the specific engineering branch. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Sometimes nothing at all. But all engineering branches share one thing with physics: math.
- Comment on EU Article 45 requires that browsers trust certificate authorities appointed by governments 1 year ago:
So - it may be just a result of them being a populist party.
As far as I can see it, this is spreading.
Regarding the source, here is one I was thinking about earlier:
Eine besagt, daß vor 1933 sowohl im Deutschen Reich als auch in Thüringen für alle Bemühungen der Nazis gerade die kommunale Ebene eine bedeutsame Rolle gespielt hat.
From:…/2007_Weißbecker_Kommunalpolitik_NSDA… page 2.
Regarding the remaining part of your reply:
It seems that you understand Nazis in a form when they were already at a state of having considerable amount of power. I understand Nazis already on a mere ideological level, that’s why I see a lot of similarities between Nazis back then when they were just starting out, and those Neo-Nazis now who come in several colours and shapes. And especially the AfD seems to be a magnet for those extremists.“Antisemitic and xenophobic” statements are not limited to Nazis
Yes of course not. This is just another exemplary piece of the whole image.
I don’t think they’ve started killing their opponents on the streets yet, or forming paramilitary groups.
As I said before, they haven’t reached that level of power yet. Besides that:
The politician Wolfgang Lübcke was killed by a right-wing extremist who had ties to the AfD. Even though - in all macabre “fairness” - the party is not responsible for that, this again shows a severe lack of distancing from right-wing extremism within the party.
Then there is the “Reichsbürger” (citizen of the Reich) milieu, against whom police raids were conducted where plans to overthrow the government were revealed and a over 100 weapons were confiscated. This is not the AfD, yes. But here again, a lot of AfD members seem to tolerate or even downplay this (see for example this article). And let’s not forget how a AfD politician gave tours to Reichsbürger-members through the government disctrict in preparation of them planning to storm the Bundestag.
Even (former) AfD members criticize their (former) party and make comparisons with the NSDAP, like a former AfD city councillor.Let’s deal with this here:
They speak like Nazis, Not really
Oh boy, I can give you many many many examples. But let’s take one promiment one, since I’ve already written a lot: The floor leader of the AfD Thuringia, Björn Höcke, got his immunity lifted several times and against whom a criminal process is currently running for demagoguery and using the SA (Sturmabteilung of the NSDAP) slogan “Alles für Deutschland”. (Since there are several articles about that and is also listed on wikipedia, you can easily find according sources yourself, but I’ll leave you one article on that here for your convenience: Björn Höckes Immunität erneut aufgehoben There is so much more regarding his views and what he said, which makes it hard for me to not see him as a Nazi.
Nazis in other parts of the world usually were pretty open about their intentions from the very beginning, while AfD doesn’t send the same signals
Maybe a slightly deeper dive into AfD talk might change your mind ( ). That’s were our experiences seem to differ. It’s a slow process, but there are many problematic signals (and as time goes on we get more and more of them) which show that the AfD are becoming a serious problem if they don’t start to fight against extremists within their own party. The NSDAP didn’t start sterilizing disabled people from day one either.
- Comment on EU Article 45 requires that browsers trust certificate authorities appointed by governments 1 year ago:
Calling AfD Nazis is an exaggeration watering down the term.
The Verfassungsschutz (Office for Protection of the Constitution) classified the AfD in Saxony-Anhalt as right-wing extremists just last Tuseday. A year before that the AfD Thuringia was classified similarly by the respective Landesverfassungsschutz (State’s Office for Protection of the Cnstitution), but was reclassified a level just before that as a suspected extremist right-wing party by the federal constitution protection office. The AfD-Juniors (“Junge Alternative”) were classified as right-wing extremists last April by the Verfassungsschutz.
They regularly catch ones attention with antisemitic, xenophobic statements at best and inhumane, anti-democratic sentiments at worst.
Considering that they start to get more and more political posts on a communal level, and remembering that the communal political landscape played a pivotal role for the rise of the NSDAP (I would provide a source, but it’s in German) I would certainly say that’s something to be very worried about.
I don’t know what else you need. They speak like Nazis, they act like Nazis. They are Nazis. Just because they haven’t reached that level of political power to set Jews and foreigners on fire again, doesn’t mean they are harmless or that calling them out for what they are would “water down the term ‘Nazi’”.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
I find it funny how sometimes apps create value by taking something away which is included by default in similar products and goes without saying.
In this context: YouTube is the only app I know which is denying to work when put into background or with the screen off.
Or take some car manufacturers who start asking for a fee just to use basic functionality.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
There’s also the option of biting the bullet and paying for YouTube Premium.
No. Never. I’d rather stop using YT at all than giving in to coerced user-tracking.
- Comment on They use to tell us we couldnt trust Wikipedia. Now we know. Wikipedia is the only website you can trust. 1 year ago:
Haha you’re welcome. I just wished that the original authors would be more careful about providing sources for claims or statements.
- Comment on Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome 1 year ago:
I feel like a lot of users won’t use edge because of spite. It’s intrusive and manipulative stuff like this which has angered a lot of people. Admittedly, this is one of the more harmless reactions.
Edge: "Nobody likes me. :( "
Microsoft: "Don’t worry. We will make them like you. >:] "