- Comment on Benny 😍😍😍 8 months ago:
That’s the great thing about fake tweets from Ben. They all still feel like they could be real.
- Comment on He has to be stopped 10 months ago:
- Comment on GTA 5 Actor Ned Luke Calls Out 'Bulls**t' AI Chatbot That Uses His Voice 1 year ago:
I see ads all the time now using various famous actors voices for spamming cammer crap. If someone didn’t know better they would absolutely think these actors were shilling the stuff.
- Comment on doing his own research 1 year ago:
I did, and it is.
- Comment on I'm shuddering 1 year ago:
I have MS, and one of my minor symptoms is I sometimes get a feeling of the bottom of my foot being wet (temp change basically), giving me a wet sock feel. Fuck that symptom.
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
Curious how that customer reacted. Hopefully well.
I used to get Domino’s delivered to me years back. Often in the winter with snow on the ground and it is near zero. I always put my porch light on and waited near the door. The app showed me they were close, so why wouldn’t I? I can’t believe how many drivers thanked me for just doing these things. Many told me they’d often wait 5 minutes after knocking or ringing the doorbell. Like WTF? You know your order is coming.
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
Will you still have time to masturbate while not writing?
- Comment on We're probably pretty fortunate that humans have at least some degree of self control over when we stop eating. 1 year ago:
I’d free feed then, most likely. I have had multiple dogs before and free fed. Never had an issue other than sometimes you introduce a new puppy to it and that first day or two they overeat before realizing hey this stuff is always here.
This current dog, I told the vet she did that and he just shrugged and said some prefer to eat small amounts throughout the day rather than the twice a day I was adjusting to after three times a day.
- Comment on We're probably pretty fortunate that humans have at least some degree of self control over when we stop eating. 1 year ago:
My dog is almost two. She decided one day when she was about 6 months old that she was going to be a free feeder. Was such a quick change. One day, she is excited as could be to get food and scarf it all down. The next, she’d only eat about half of her helping and then the rest later in the day. As I type this, I hear her eating a bit now.
It wasn’t a huge deal since my previous dogs had been free feeders. I wasn’t planning to do that with her, but it works.
- Comment on Last Epoch 1.0 launches Feb 21st, 2024! 1 year ago:
I can’t get it to really play at all on Steam #eck, though I’ve heard others do. Mine either doesn’t load or crashes soon after it does.
I haven’t had a chance to see if there have been any further controller improvements since the Deck is my only way to play it currently. I hope they continue to try to refine it. They definitely made improvements from how it started.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
I’m reminded of Leland Yee. California politician who was in favor of gun control all while doing gun running stuff himself. Guess he felt gun control was good for business.
- Comment on How can I become a better conversationalist? 1 year ago:
You hear about and see this a lot. You can even see it on people’s faces sometimes when you talk to them. They are already thinking about what they want to say rather than actually listening to what is said. So they are listening to respond rather than listening to truly engage in the conversation. I think many of us can be guilty of it at times. So I try to catch myself when I’m doing it. Remind myself how it feels to be on the other end of it when someone else does it.
- Comment on What are the best skills to invest in early in the game? 1 year ago:
Persuasion can be great. I’ve talked my way out of fights I didn’t know I would be able to. Or talked my way into bypassing sections of quests that might have been time consuming.
- Comment on Most trustable hair shampoo company? 1 year ago:
Had the same issues when I still had hair to manage. Head & Shoulders was the only one for me as well. Until I just started buzzing my hair.
Now I need a good beard wash or my beard deals with the same thing.
- Comment on My issue with temples (spoiler warning: continue at your own risk) 1 year ago:
There are some in the systems that the artifact missions take you on, so they will pop up as objectives when you enter the system or land on a planet. Or probably when I scan planets. Not sure which. I always just consider them happy little accidents. But always nice when that happens because on my current run I found three like that, which made it a bit quicker than running back to Vlad for those.
- Comment on My issue with temples (spoiler warning: continue at your own risk) 1 year ago:
I’m with you that I don’t have an issue with them not being a big fight. That would slow down an already slow process if you try to get them all before moving to another NG+. I think one thing that would have helped is having Vlad give more than one at a time. Going back and forth constantly when that is all you’re doing before moving on makes it feel tedious for sure. Though probably less so for me than many gamers.
I wouldn’t even just binge doing those if we took something with us on each Unity jump. At least credits if nothing else. I’d mix in more stuff, but right now that feels like a waste until I finally get to a point where I just want to play through it all and no longer go through the unity.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to respond with more info.
I wasn’t expecting much so no worries and not expecting anythubg soon. I’ve seen these things for a couple decades now. But this one is interesting. So again thank you.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
Over the years you learn to pick and choose which ones to even read about.
My favorites are when actual new meds are introduced to patients and the majority of the article talks about how much money they expect it to make for the pharmaceutical company.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
I asked for a bit more info as well before I saw this response. Thanks.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
What phase 2 specifically if you don’t mind sharing? They mention in this article starting with a phase 1 for celiac and then a phase 1 for MS.
I’ve also seen so many of these over a couple decades now. I have RA and MS and often times while hope can be important. As Red said, hope is a dangerous thing and can drive a man insane.
- Comment on What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? 1 year ago:
Also the lore you could find that gives glimpses into the past really helped if you cared or took the time to listen/read them.
- Comment on What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? 1 year ago:
Horizon’s story stuck with me for a few weeks after completing it. Also one of the few games I played all the way through without playing other games as well. I usually have to play a few different games so I don’t get burned out of any one game.
I agree on the God of War games as well. So well done.
Also, Fuck Ted Faro.
- Comment on Titan Quest II | Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
This one is being made by the Spellforce 3 devs. Wonder when we’ll see some gameplay.
- Comment on Say goodbye to the name Twitter’s Bird. Elon Musk changing Twitter logo to ‘X’ 1 year ago:
But did it turn out to be a cool game?